About one in six couples has difficulty conceiving 大约1/6的夫妻有受孕困难。
Firstly, under the urging of my own and my wifes parents, my wife and I were successful in conceiving a baby. 首先是在双方父母的强烈要求下,我和老婆造人成功。
When the sperm count is low, your chances of conceiving are slim. 当精子数很低时,怀孕的机会就很小。
It was certainly very innovative, a new way of conceiving of the Opening Ceremony. 整个演出铁定是很有创意的,演绎开幕式的全新思路。
The sales manager has been conceiving a plan to increase profits all the night. 销售经理整晚都在构想一个增加利润的计划。
Conceiving the System of Characteristic Resource Co-construction and Sharing in Foreign Language Universities 我国外语院校特色资源共建共知共享体系构建
Conceiving Methods and Innovative Approaches for Tall Building Structure Systems 高层建筑结构方案的形成方式与创新途径
During my consultations on infertility, the men have generally been supportive and caring when their wives had problems conceiving. 在我诊治不孕症期间,男人对自己有不孕问题的妻子一般都给予支持和关爱。
Starting a family younger, controlling obesity, exercising regularly and not smoking all improve chances of conceiving. 更早组建家庭、控制肥胖、坚持锻炼及不吸烟等等,都会增加怀孕机会。
The immediate aim of this work is to help women whose damaged wombs prevent them from conceiving. 此项研究旨在让子宫受损不能怀孕的妇女生育自己的孩子。
With approximately one in10 couples struggling to get pregnant, it is impossible not to know someone having difficulty conceiving. 每10对夫妇中就有约1对在为怀孕而努力,不知道有人生育有困难是不可能的。
One that, with the aid of the economic theory that it proclaims, succeeds in conceiving of itself as the scientific description of reality? 在经济理论的帮助下它宣告,在设想本身成功作为现实的一科学描述?
Could not think of it, could not conceive of it or even conceive of the conceiving of it. 不能想,不堪设想,甚至连设想一下本身也不能设想。
"The international data shows that the incidence of twins after IVF can be reduced without damaging women's chance of conceiving," says Braude. “国际数据显示,IVF后双胞胎的出生率可以在不影响妇女受孕率的情况下降低,”Braude说道。
A woman receiving IVF therapy can boost their chances of conceiving if two are transferred to her womb. 妇女接受试管婴儿治疗时如果移植两个胚胎到她的子宫可以提高受孕的机会。
On the basis of integral Conceiving on satellite testing visualization, the key technology of computer visualization was introduced, combining with satellite ground integration testing technology. 根据对卫星测试可视化的总体构想,引入计算机可视化的关键技术,并将其与卫星地面综合测试技术深入结合。
Comfort, Economy, Science& Conceiving of new century library 舒适经济科学&新世纪图书馆的构想
Antioxidant supplements may benefit couples who have difficulty conceiving naturally, according to a new systematic review published today in The Cochrane Library. 根据最新发表者在Cochrane图书馆上的一篇系统综述显示,抗氧化剂的补充可使那些自然受孕困难的夫妇获益。
The abruption among the matters is conceiving more possibilities in the atmosphere of pathetic, passive and hollow hues. 事物之间的突兀在哀婉、消极、空旷的色调氛围里被孕育着更多的可能。
End, and draw lessons from domestic and international experience, put forward conceiving only. 最后,并借鉴国内外的经验,提出了自己的设想。
Conceiving of your body as a servant or a thing to ferry you about. 将你的身体看作一个为你服务的仆人或者带你前往解脱之道的渡船。
But, the same in being really not all operation result being able to and conceiving of. 但是,并不是所有的手术效果都能和想像中的一样的。
Are you conceiving different books, since you have a wide range of vision and always keep working on different writers, thinkers or theorists? 您是否在构思不同的作品,因为您视域宽阔,总在研究不同的作家、思想家和理论家?
In this kind of exhibition, main part of scheme work is to establish the conceiving and to select the artist, works. 这类展览的策划工作主要在于确立展览的构思以及对艺术家和作品的选定。
Exploration on Conceiving system and the improvement model of the corporation strategic flexibility 企业战略柔性体系构建与增强模式探究
With the examples, this paper illustrated the ways in designing good architectural form from the aspects of designing logic such as conceiving, details and environment. 文章结合中外建筑实例,从构思、细部和环境等的设计逻辑几方面分析如何设计出好的建筑形式。
But at the time of conceiving such a kind, we will meet a lot of difficulties. 但是在构思这样一个类时,我们会遇到许多困难。
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome have difficulty conceiving and are at risk of diabetes and heart disease. 患多囊卵巢综合征的妇女很难怀孕,而且患糖尿病和心脏病的风险增大。
The analysis result showed that the accounting and conceiving of disease average cost is not exclusively and absolutely. 分析结果说明,单病种平均成本的构建和测算并不是唯一和绝对的。
The coast belt buffer is put forward in this paper, which includes the primary conceiving of programming and building the coast belt buffer. 首次提出了海岸带缓冲区的概念,以及海岸带缓冲区规划和建设的初步构想。