I have never encouraged nor condoned violence 我从不煽动也不纵容暴力行为。
In other words, corruption was not only condoned, but officially encouraged. 换句话说,腐败不仅获得宽恕,而且受到官方的鼓励。
We have never condoned and would never condone inappropriate behaviour by any of our people. 我们从未姑息、也绝不会姑息我们的任何人员有不当行为。
Through the middle of the19th century, the US and other nations in the Americas condoned plantation slavery. 直到19世纪中期,美国以及美洲其他国家还认可奴隶制。
Never shall you use Magick, nor the Craft, to cause harm, for this is misuse of the Power, and it is not to be condoned. 千万不要使用魔法或技艺(Craft)造成任何的伤害,这样子是对于力量的误用,而且将无法被赦免。
The game of bingo is an ongong American custom that is encouraged by civic groups, and is condoned by the church as well, in exchange for the needed income the game provides. 宾戈游戏是一种常见的美国风尚,不仅受到公众集体的鼓舞激励。而且也获得教会的饶恕,因为它能带来一些需要的收入。
That at least could be understood if not condoned. 如果是那样的话,至少可以理解,即使不能宽恕。
While many people still oppose gay marriage on religious grounds, others point out that the Bible also condoned slavery. 虽说许多人仍以宗教原因反对男性同性恋婚姻,其他人则指出,即使是奴隶制度,圣经也给予宽恕包容。
They condoned his sins because he repented. 由于他的悔悟,他们宽恕了他的罪。
The national security adviser implicitly condoned their retaliation. 那位国家安全顾问含蓄地宽恕了他们的报复行为。
Do you think there is ever a time when profanity can be condoned, or when it could prove even useful? 你认为是否有什麽时候粗鄙话语可以被宽恕?或甚至是有用的?
These are largely responsible for the degradation of ethics and morals in this country and have directly and indirectly encouraged and condoned the violence we now see. 这些大多是负责降解伦理道德在这个国家有直接及间接的暴力行为,并鼓励大家现在看到的。