
(corporate 的复数) a. 社团的, 合伙的, 公司的
[经] 团体的, 法人的, 社团的
corporate 的复数



  1. This is fine for large corporate but social charges for large corporates and angel backed ventures are the same.
  2. The move should help to reduce financing costs for corporates and households with mortgage loans, and would help to support demand for bank credit.
  3. At the long end, yields do not mean much, as corporates and households tend to fund themselves at much higher interest rates through bank loans, rather than bonds.
  4. We have corporates knocking on our door asking how we do it.
  5. Part of the reason must be the fact that Asian corporates have borrowed a lot.
  6. The Bank fears this could lead to a sudden tightening of financial conditions for governments and corporates in emerging markets, which have enjoyed low borrowing costs.
  7. Most corporates see the opportunity, but few have moved beyond the most limited initial steps.
  8. The weaker euro has attracted corporate clients to speed up their hedging, he said. As corporates become more aware of the depth and the liquidity in the offshore renminbi market, they are using it more frequently and in greater size.
  9. Corporates are directly exposed to FX shocks.
  10. Longer term, we believe Japanese corporates should benefit greatly from China's strong ongoing growth and development.
  11. We offer a one-stop risk management solution to our customers& the local corporates, multinational companies, investment and financial institutions, and central banks.
  12. We see a lot of new players, like hedge funds, as well as corporates, who use the renminbi for hedging purposes, said Ms Wang, who added that central banks and private bank clients had also shown strong interest.
  13. All of these companies the big corporates are trying to expand their global operations, be a global player.
  14. Corporates appear to have decided to run themselves for cash, and not for growth.
  15. Governments, banks and corporates are issuing more longer-dated bonds, in a sign of increased confidence among investors on the prospects for the global economy.
  16. In the next chapter, Chinese corporates will challenge for global market share as domestic consumption increases.
  17. Neither governments nor corporates in such countries could easily sell their debts.
  18. Study on Culture Conflicts and Integration in Merger and Acquisition ( M& A) Corporates
  19. Chinese corporates are poised for overseas expansion in search of new markets and natural resources.
  20. Policymakers should be doing all they can to bring corporates back from a world dominated by uncertainty and into a world where investment plans can be made and risks managed.
  21. Although there remain a few structural limitations, such as relatively illiquid markets and limited ability to hedge, Asian markets now offer greater flexibility to corporates, he says.
  22. The European sovereign debt crisis, uncertainty over US financial regulation and worries over the global economy have sent investors and corporates scurrying for the sidelines, with dire results for many banks 'bottom lines.
  23. While investors who are long these markets might not have much cause for cheer, it may come as welcome news to both central banks and corporates in both countries.
  24. Above all, governments and financial institutions will have to work on raising awareness among global corporates.
  25. But it is not that governments have been spending "too much" that is the problem; it is that corporates have been spending "too little".
  26. That was due to corporates accessing our website when they used to order lunch.
  27. Many large corporates rely heavily on the regular distribution of data-intensive material to local and remote employees.
  28. The still-anaemic volumes for bank lending, securitisation and European high-yield bonds have serious repercusions for companies, particularly the small and medium-sized corporates that are the life-blood of any economy.