
n.  对抗计划;反地道;反***
v.  对抗;将计就计; 用候敌地道防卫



  1. The effectiveness of company registering, including establishment effectiveness, activity effectiveness and countermine effectiveness, is in effect throughout the whole development.
  2. Application of Design Pattern in Weapon Equipment Simulation Countermine System Display Module
  3. ABSTRACT The passive location systems play an important role in electronic countermine.
  4. How to enhance the ability to countermine cold?
  5. An simulation model on attack-defense countermine of cruise missile and surface to air missile is presented.
  6. The laser weapons have many unique characters, such as short response time, high hit target precision etc. and become the ideal weapons to countermine the IR imaging guided weapons.
  7. Countermine of Fuel Directing Toward the New Standard of Automobile Exhaust
  8. Waveform agility technique is often adopted in the modern radar to countermine the active interfering. When the interfering signal is powerful, the output of the interfering signal after pulse compress will affect the subsequence signal detection.
  9. The result shows that the model exactly reflects the countermine characteristic of the information war system and has high reliability.
  10. In modern countermine of aerial attack and air defense, various kinds of infrared jamming systems are used by the attacking side for improving the survivability, thus the operational effectiveness of infrared-guided air defense missiles will be greatly influenced and limited.
  11. Warships vs. submarines simulation system can process countermine simulation on the battlefield near reality. STAGE is fit for developing the system.
  12. Research on Weapon Countermine Simulation Platform
  13. This paper first discusses the recent research of military simulation system, then proposes the principles about designing weapon countermine simulation platform, and develops the requirement analysis.
  14. The design of simulation scenario of missile and plane's countermine was improved for the simulation more realistically in this paper.
  15. The Design of Simulation Scenario on Missile and Plane's Countermine
  16. Consistent interfaces between simulation model system and the built-in model framework are crucial within the implementation process of countermine simulation on STAGE.
  17. The Field Communication Network is the core of the Military Communication Network, research the network countermine which made us easy to obtain the absolute control of the power of electronic and information in the battle.
  18. Since the effectiveness of the current legislation is confusing, the countermine effectiveness of commercial modification registration and cancellation registration should be established through legislation and commercial registration system should also be unified so as to improve the public notice system.
  19. The study of this article provides a space-time consistently geographical condition countermine platform for simulation training of troop, simultaneously changes the situation that more attention are paid to weapon countermine and less to environment influence.
  20. C~ 4ISR is the core of modern information war and communication is the tache of C~ 4ISR, thus, communicate countermine is the important part of the C~ 4ISR countermine.



  1. (military) a tunnel dug to defeat similar activities by the enemy


    1. destroy enemy mines with one's own mines
      1. We countermined the banks of the river

    2. destroy property or hinder normal operations
      1. The Resistance sabotaged railroad operations during the war

      Synonym:    sabotageunderminecounteractsubvertweaken