VERB 为…觉得难为情;对…感到厌恶;退缩 If you cringe at something, you feel embarrassed or disgusted, and perhaps show this feeling in your expression or by making a slight movement.
Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar... 安开始弹吉他时,莫莉感到有些难堪。
Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity... 一想到要拿自己的家庭作宣传,克丽丝就感到厌烦。
Molly had cringed when Ann started picking up the guitar 安开始弹吉他时,莫莉感到有些难堪。
Chris had cringed at the thought of using her own family for publicity 一想到要拿自己的家庭作宣传,克丽丝就感到厌烦。
I cringed in horror. 我吓得往后缩。
I cringe when I think about that moment. 每当我回想起当时的表现,都会打冷颤。
So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you. 因你的大能仇敌要投降你。
Many American adults cringe when they remember the unfortunate dresses and awkward dates from their own proms. 很多美国的成年人想起当年自己参加毕业舞会时那些不合适宜的服装以及跟异性尴尬的约会时,他们往往有些后怕。
Most people will cringe that you're opening the firewall, but what they don't understand is that it is completely encrypted. 大多数人都担心您打开了防火墙,但他们不明白这是完全加密的。
Do they excite you? Or is just looking at them making you cringe? 这些事情是否让你感到兴奋?
These predictions will make people who work in these fields understandably cringe. 不难理解,这些预言会使在上述领域工作的人畏畏缩缩。
As courtship gets redefined, one byproduct is a fashion trend that would make most high-end designers cringe. 随着示爱的行为得以重新界定,一个派生的影响便是形成了一股时尚趋势,而多数高端设计师将不得不迎合这样的趋势。
Most people look back at their senior year quotes and cringe, but not these witty young ladies. 多数人会不敢回过头看他们的大学毕业年鉴,除了这群机智诙谐的年轻女生。
I still cringe when I think about talking everyone's ear off about the Giro d'Italia. 想起自己聊环意自行车赛(Girod'Italia)聊到所有人都耳朵起茧子的时候,我还是会觉得后怕。
I involuntarily dozen cringe, walk alone. 我不由自主的打了个哆嗦,独自行走。
It was miserable because I had to play volleyball, and the one time I didn't cringe out of the way of the ball, I hit my teammate in the head with it. 这是悲惨的一天,因为我不得不开始打排球,而且有一次我没能从球的来路中躲开,而把它打到了我队友的头上。
Then, a nurse came by, only to cringe and shun my helplessness. 然后,一位护士经过了,可是她却仅仅事经过,没有发现我的无助。
Everytime I see something on China, it makes me cringe now. 现在每次我在中国看到的事情,都让我怕的发抖。
Some city folk might cringe at the thought of this, but to me it's a part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way! 想到这些事情,一些城市的人们或许畏缩不前,但对我来说它却是我生命的一部分,我会永远把它珍存心间。
It makes me cringe with embarrassment when I think about it. 我想起它就觉得尴尬。
His way of sleeping makes me cringe. 他睡觉的方式令我生厌。
There are examples of this cultural cringe in every recent superhero film. 在最近的几部超级英雄电影中每一部都有这种文化畏缩现象。
If you see somebody bang their thumb with a hammer, you might cringe. 如果你看到有人拿锤子打他的拇指,你可能会畏缩。
No one wants to have to cringe when they tell people where they work. 在说到自己从事的工作时,没有人愿意畏畏缩缩。
It may be difficult to believe, but some people actually cringe when an opportunity presents itself. 令人难以置信的是,有些人竟在机遇来临时畏缩。
It's their unintended consequences that make me cringe. 是它们未被料想到的后果令我往后退缩。
I used to cringe with embarrassment whenever my name was read out. 过去每当有人报到我的名字时我就深感局促不安。
Many of these people drove me crazy, but they also made me laugh and cringe, because I could see myself in some of them. 书中的很多人曾令我发疯,但他们也让我发笑和感到害怕,因为我在他们身上看到我的影子。
I cringe with embarrassment when I reread those first stories I wrote. 我重读了我初期编写的故事,感到十分难为情。
Did you cringe watching some of your tanturms? 你自己看那些发怒的场景的时候畏缩过吗?
I dread buying a swimsuit, as consecutive horror and humiliation make me cringe in the dressing room. 我害怕买泳装,因为持续的恐惧和羞辱让我在更衣室里畏缩不前。
Your heart pulses in a rapid tempo, as you cringe your hands in fear. 你的心快速地跳,而你在恐惧中缩作一团。