During 1933, Papen's office was deluged with complaints. 1933年间,大量的投诉信涌进了巴本的办公室。
Churches and synagogues deluged imams with speaking requests. 基督教堂和犹太教堂也大量邀请伊玛目到教堂讲经。
When I traveled as secretary of state, I was deluged with thick briefing books full of information about the politics, economy and culture of each destination, so those took up most of my reading time. 任国务卿时,我在旅行期间要读大量关于目的地的政治、经济和文化信息的简报,它们占据了我大部分的阅读时间。
But often those people are deluged with requests, are harder to approach, and may be too high up to advance your career. 但是这些人经常都有很多预约、也很难接近,而且他们对提升你的职业来说可能还是太遥远了。
Today's society is deluged with fake products and constructions. 现代社会的一大特点就是假冒伪劣产品和工程到处泛滥。
If so, news is being deluged. 如果这话属实,那么新闻正处于四面楚歌的境地。
Again and again, voters said they were exhausted after having been deluged with attack advertising on television, emails pleading for money and election pamphlets clogging their mailboxes. 一个又一个的选民说,互相攻击的竞选广告在电视上泛滥,恳求捐钱的电邮和选举传单堵塞了邮箱,令他们感到筋疲力尽。
Yet she has been deluged with mail from grateful readers, who have poured forth their own, often harrowing experiences. 不过她后来收到了大量充满感激之情的读者来信,他们通常是向她倾诉自己的痛苦经历。
The press secretary was deluged with requests for information. 新闻秘书被接踵而来的提供信息的需求。
But after being deluged by about 3,000 franchising applications, Mr Lee and Ms Hwang have selected eight for future national expansion. 目前已有约3000个加盟申请,Lee先生和Hwang女士已从中选择8家,作为将来在国内扩张。
Smoke, sweat and stench deluged the air and made it seem as though I was walking underwater. 空气中充斥着烟雾、汗味、恶臭,使得我彷佛是在水下行走。
The minister was deluged with questions. 部长被许多问题忙得团团转。
We were deluged with inquiries. 询问使我们应接不暇。
He was deluged with questions. 他为成堆的问题所困扰。
The city was deluged when the river burst its banks. 河水决堤,城市被淹。
They're deluged wlth calls from people who want to see happy. 他们收到无数电话要求见海皮。
The mountain of foreign currency has been generated by years of inward foreign investment, then speculative capital inflows and, more recently, a swelling trade surplus that has deluged the country with dollars. 堆积如山的外汇储备,产生于多年来外国投资的涌入,然后是投机资金的流入,更近一些时候,则是由于贸易顺差不断膨胀,导致美元充斥中国。
And for this reason they were killed, they were deluged. 为此,他们被杀害,他们被洪水。
The Commission has been deluged with complaints. 委员会对潮水般涌来的投诉应接不暇。
We've been deluged with replies to our advertisement. 对我们广告的答复雪片般地飞来。
A rainstorm deluged the city. 暴雨使该市沦为泽国。
The city was deluged with foreigners. 外国人涌入这个城市。
The furtive regime was eventually persuaded to allow a trickle of foreign aid into the deluged region. 谨慎的(?)的军政府最终被劝说允许一少部分国外救援力量进入洪水泛滥地区。
He deluged me, overwhelmed me with argument. 他以雄辩淹没了我,压倒了我。
The San Antonio area is deluged with rain. 圣安东尼市被大雨淹没。
They were deluged with requests to play the song. 点播这首歌的请求像雪片般向他们飞来。
By mid-January Milan had been deluged with weeks of rain and its heaviest snowfall in many years. 到1月中旬米兰已连降数周大雨,而且降雪量为多年来之最。
The possibility that these important arms of the state could be deluged with court cases from aggrieved consumers has forced the authorities to move more cautiously on this aspect of the anti-monopoly laws. 这些政府的左膀右臂被愤愤不平的消费者提起的法律诉讼所淹没的可能性,迫使相关部门在涉及反垄断法的这个部分时行动更加小心谨慎。