
网络  贬义; 人一样; 贬义的; 减损的; 毁损的


  1. It has a derogative sense, implying it is unnecessary to do so.
  2. The word dreamer and visionary are often used in a derogative way to describe people who are not in touch with the way things are.
  3. In modern China, the development of mass culture has always been repressed and people always associate it with derogative adjectives such as vulgar, Babbitt, philistine and rough.
  4. ( b) some tax preference measures may be derogative to international trade;
  5. A basic form of classic narrative as it was, the linear narrative has now become a derogative term in the discourse of literary criticism, and its essential merit is by and large ignored and depreciated.
  6. We believe that in Chinese and English frequently used derogatory words, some of them have correspondence relationship and the derogative tinctures of the words are determined by the context. In different contexts, the derogative tincture would be transferred or strengthened.
  7. Use of the equipment has derogative processed printing and dyeing wastewater of Nan Shan Group. Inspected the impact of the electrolysis time, voltage and pole spacing on electrochemical degradation of efficiency.
  8. The irrational beliefs of male college students are in significantly higher level than that of female college students on self-oriented absolutely perfect demand and other-oriented subjectively derogative evaluation. 3.



  1. expressive of low opinion
    1. derogatory comments
    2. disparaging remarks about the new house

    Synonym:    derogatorydisparaging