Mr Carpenter is obviously a devotee of Britten's music. 很显然,卡彭特先生是布里顿音乐的狂热爱好者。
Monks shave their heads, as do devotees of the Hare Krishna movement. 和尚要剃度,克利须那派教徒也一样。
God is my devotee and did all this for me. 神是我的信徒而这一切皆为我而设。
Clark, the yoga and Pilates devotee, isn't too worried. 练克拉克的瑜伽和普拉提的瑜伽的人是不用太担心。
Your husband tells me that you're a devotee of Henry James. 你丈夫说你是亨利?詹姆斯的小说迷。
The Spiritual relationship to Him, which He Offers to everyone who is moved to become His formal devotee, is the most profound Love I have ever known. 这种他奉献给每个试图成为他正式门徒的,与他之间的灵性关系,是前所未有的深邃的爱。
I turned out to be a devotee of the opera and naturally, the name Narcissus represents beauty for me ever since. 我原来是一个歌剧的热爱者。从此,水仙花的名字对而言自然地就代表了美丽。
God shows his grace to the devotee by manifesting as his guru. 神的恩典,显现为信众的上师。
When I was a small boy, I used to see Shri Krishna, with the flute, as He is pictured by the Hindus, because my mother was a devotee of Shri Krishna. 当我是一个小孩的时候,我常常看见克里希那,吹着笛子,如同他被印度教徒们所描绘的样子,因为我母亲是一个克里希那的奉献者。
He told the Master that the Amir was a great devotee of God. 他告诉师父说埃米尔是神的一位伟大奉献者。
He may not be a devotee of the tea ceremony, but he does have his own tea house. 他也许不是茶道爱好者,但他有自己的茶室。
Now and then he would accept an invitation to a devotee's home, where other devotees would also be invited. 他不时地接受邀请去拜访奉献者的家庭,其他奉献者也被邀请。
Samuel Adams was a passionate devotee of American independence. 塞缪尔亚当是一个美国独立的热情狂热者。
These four principles: Always think of Krishna, become Krishna's devotee, worship Krishna and offer your respect, obeisances to Krishna. 这四个原则:永远想着奎师那,成为奎师那的奉献者,崇拜奎师那,向奎师那致以敬意和顶拜。
An enthusiastic devotee of sports. 一个热心于运动的人。
A devotee feels the presence of God everywhere, but one averse to the Lord denies His existence anywhere. 奉献者处处感受到主的临在,但反对主的人却处处否认祂的存在。
Once I saw a devotee of the Divine Mother at the bathing-ghat on the Ganges. 一次,我看到一位神圣母亲的奉献者在恒河岸边的石梯上沐浴。
At this, their own shrine, he knelt with them, an ardent devotee. 他像一名忠实的信徒,和她们一起拜倒在这神龛面前。
Tantric practices use both ritual and meditation to unify the devotee with the chosen deity. 坦陀罗练习既使用仪式,也使用静心去把皈依者与所选择的神连接。
A devotee situated in Krishna consciousness knows that only devotional service to Krishna can relieve a person from all the problems of life. 具备奎师那知觉的奉献者知道,只有对奎师那的奉爱服务能使人从所有人生困境中解脱出来。
Devotee: Do Buddhists only worship Buddha but not Celestial spirits? 信众问:佛教徒只拜佛不要拜天神?
The mystic ramakrishna, who was a devotee at a temple of Kali called Daksinesvar to the north of calcutta, attracted a band of educated lay followers who spread his doctrines. 神秘家罗摩克里希那,是加尔各答北部达克希什瓦卡利神庙的一个奉献者,吸引了一群受过教育的世俗追随者来传播他的教导。
I suddenly find myself a devotee of the stage. 我突然发现我是个舞台狂热分子。
If one can please a pure devotee of the Lord, such action means immediate satisfaction of the Lord, even though such a person is not officially qualified to receive the mercy of the Lord. 尽管有些人可能不配获得主的仁慈,但如果他取悦了主的纯粹奉献者,那么他也立刻取悦了主本人。
Vinous drink, however, had no greater devotee than Chief Justice John Marshall. 然而,再没有比大法官约翰·马歇尔更热爱葡萄酒的人。
The demon however, had a son named Prahlad who was ardent devotee of Vishnu. 然而,这个暴君的儿子普拉拉德却是毗湿奴的忠实信徒。