She reminded us of Barnum's dictum: You could sell anything to anybody if you marketed it right. 她提醒我们想想巴纳姆的名言:如果营销得力,你可以把任何东西卖给任何人。
“ Pride comes before a fall ” is a famous dictum. “骄必败”乃至理名言。
Yahoo managers are already starting to advocate for exceptions to the no-work-at-home dictum. 雅虎经理们目前已经开始为不适用“坐班”规定的特殊情况奔走呼号。
Her argument is compelling but seems at odds with another popular dictum on the topic published last summer. 她的观点很有说服力,但似乎和去年夏天另一篇备受瞩目的同类文章意见相左。
Keynes 'dictum certainly holds true for Chinese reverse-merger companies with opaque financials: the market can remain irrational longer than your cash can hold out. 凯恩斯的格言自然适用于财务不透明的中国借壳上市公司&市场维持非理性的时间可能长于你口袋里的现金能维持的时间。
The company soon discovered the truth of Napoleon's dictum that one bad general is worth two good ones. 该公司很快就发现了拿破仑的名言:一个不好的将军好于两个好将军的真理。
Corruption thus offers yet another confirmation of the dictum attributed to Thomas Jefferson that "the government is best which governs least." 因此,腐败也从一个侧面证明了托马斯杰斐逊(thomasjefferson)的那句名言:“最好的政府就是管的最少的政府。”
This statement, however, was only in dictum, and does not fall into the category of binding precedent. 这份声明,但仅在判词中,不属于有约束力的先例。
Ms Johnson has also seen trusts that give complete discretion to the trustee with the sole ( and loose) dictum that the children need only be "productive members of society", whether that is stay-at-home mother, entrepreneur or research chemist. 约翰森还看到,一些信托赋予托管人全面的自由,唯一(且宽松)的条件是子女仅需成为“社会的生产成员”,不管是全职妈妈、企业家还是化学研究员。
The modern monetary theory of the balance of payments has added an extra layer of assurance to hume's dictum. 现代有关国际收支的货币理论对休漠的见解又增一层可信性。
But we need to be reminded of the dictum of Keynes that "money will not manage itself". 但我们需要谨记凯恩斯的格言:货币不会自我管理。
Watch sellers employ a logical Italian dictum: a well-dressed man owns at least three timepieces. 手表经销商流传的一句义大利格言不无道理:穿著得体的男人至少拥有三块表。
But in spite of the dictum of some philosophers man does not accept any arbitrary and absolute limit to his knowable world. 但是尽管有哲学名言,人类仍然不承认个人对世界认知的武断性和绝对性。
The well-known dictum` Knowledge is power ' 著名的格言‘知识就是力量’。
If you want to extract some meaningful and beautiful lines, it will be better to buy a Extraction of Celebrated Dictum and keep it handy. 如果要摘录隽语挂句,不如买一本现成的《名人名言录》放在手边。
Ever since, Webster's dictum has been regarded as a principle of international law. 自此,韦伯斯特的正式声明就被遵为国际法原则。
He cites Augustine's dictum that 'If you understand it, it is not God'( Joseph Sobran) 他援引奥古斯丁的最后声明‘如果你了解它,它就不是神了’(约瑟夫·索布兰)
This programme completely ignores Keynes 'dictum that states must face crises with counter-measures to support demand. 该计划完全无视凯恩斯的理论:即政府必须采取支持需求的对策以面对危机。
Foolish dictum: In a team, a valuable team player must aspire to be leader. 启示:愚蠢的格言&组织中的每个人,若想成为有价值的成员,必须立志成为领导。
Thus, the dictum could be dared in the psychoanalytic school: at bottom, nobody believes in his own death. 在精神分析学院会有这种说法:,说到底,没人相信自己的死亡。
His dictum always was,'if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing well '. 他的格言永远是:“当为之事,当尽力而为”。
Are the philosophers or are the poets you might say the true legislators for mankind?! if you want to use Shelley's dictum? 是哲学家或是诗学家,或者你可以说,人类的真正立法者,如果你想要借用雪莱名言的话?
All's well that ends well is the dictum of unanimous common sense. “结果好就一切都好,”这是我们的常识一致公认的名言。
Another Keynesian dictum "in the long run we are all dead" was an admonition against the irresponsibility of doing nothing if we obstinately rely on the self-correcting power of market forces. 凯恩斯的另一条格言“长期来看,我们都会死亡”是对一味依赖市场的自我修正功能,什么事情都不做的不负责任态度的警告。
Flat-dwellers shall indorse my dictum that theirs is the only true happiness. 公寓生活是唯一真正的快乐,住公寓的人一定都赞成我的论断。
The situation in which the virtuous man stands is well summed up in Kant's dictum on the subject of moral freedom," I ought, therefore I can"; 关于有德之人的立场,康德在他论述道德自由时所说的“我应该,所以我能够”的名言,把它总结得很是妥当;
We're lying to ourselves, pretending we're at ease when we know we aren't, so, in the converse of Goethe's dictum, we don't have a clue how to live. 我们在对自己撒谎,假装放松,其实我们自己知道没有,所以,和哥德的格言相反,我们对于如何生活毫无头绪。
The dictum that sovereign applications should fill the screen is also true of document windows within the application itself. 独占应用应该占据整个屏幕这个原则对于程序内的文档窗口来说也成立。
There is a famous dictum with the enterprise management-The key factor of one enterprise success or failure depends on whether it can arouse the staff s power and wisdom, the vigor of enterprise comes from the attraction to the staff. 在企业管理中有这样一条至理名言:一个企业成败的关键在于它能否激发职工的力量和才智,企业的活力来自企业对职工的吸引力。