As Wren's epitaph famously declares, the cathedral itself is his monument. 众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。
The Maybach epitaph will not be a not pretty one. 如果为死去的迈巴赫写篇墓志铭,碑文恐怕不会很体面。
The epitaph reads: "He died that others might live." 他的墓志铭写着这么一句话:“他死了,所以别人才活了下来.”
Most of the posts also include an epitaph, a wish list, or a sentence expressing their thoughts about life. 大部分的微博还包括墓志铭、愿望列表或表达他们对生命思考的一个句子。
The major yield includes the tricolor figurines and objects, porcelain, jade and bronze articles, epitaph etc. 随葬品主要有三彩俑及器物、彩绘陶俑、瓷器、玉器、铜器及墓志等。
I mean, one more jolt of this death ray and I'm an epitaph. 我是说,再来一记死光,我就死翘翘了。
Wit is the epitaph of an emotion. 理智是情感的墓志铭。
Nobility is the epitaph for the noble and ignobility, the pass for the ignoble. 高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证。
As first time service, I would like to have a gift for you: a poem from Mother Teresa, it will also be my epitaph when I die. 作为第一次为大家服务,我想送给大家一个礼物:特瑞莎修女的诗。我将其作为我的墓志铭。
The epitaph not only made up the historical materials but also offered us the location of ancestral grave of the Zhangs. 张希会墓志的发现,不仅弥补了史书的不足,而且确定了张氏祖茔之所在。
His epitaph should be: He did us good. 他的墓志铭应当是:他为我们做了好事。
They say the tomb in Henan Province has an epitaph and inscription which suggest it may belong to Cao Cao, the founder of the ancient state of Wei. 考古学家们表示,在河南发现的这座墓碑上的墓志铭和题词表明这是魏国创建者曹操的墓碑。
Or I shall live your epitaph to make. 无论是我活着为你写墓志铭。
The epitaph keeps the record of Chen family's transformation from officialdom to scholarship up to surgery, and Chen Liangshao's life as a Confucian doctor. 墓志记载了陈家从官儒儒医的变化过程和陈良绍从儒医之路。
The Collation and Study of Wu-zhou Part of "Epitaph Compilation of the Tang Dynasty" 《唐代墓志汇编》武周部分校补及研究
And the brief epitaph in danger's day. 呵,在危险的日子那简短的墓志铭。
Abstract: chen liangshao's epitaph was discovered in2002to be possessed by a curio merchant. 提要:陈良绍墓志于2002年春在古玩商人处发现。
As one kind of unearthed cultural relic materials, Chinese ancient epitaph has been regarded highly by researchers in relevant field. 墓志作为一种出土文物资料,向来为相关领域文史研究者所重视。
If language is the epitaph of speech why not talk for a little bit about epitaphs? 既然语言是话语的墓志铭,那为何我们不说说墓志铭呢?
Because the epitaph is unearthed, the tomb becomes a standard of the same kind of ones. 因有墓志,故其墓葬形制和梅瓶样式为鉴定同类墓葬形制和梅瓶的标尺。
If you were writing your epitaph, what would you say? 如果要你写自己的碑文,你会写些什么?
It was in many ways the epitaph for the Keynesian era. 从许多方面看,本文可谓是凯恩斯主义时代的墓志铭。
The epitaph recorded the important story of Guo Anxing who was the famous architect of Yongning temple of Luoyang in Northern Wei dynasty. 墓志记述了北魏著名建筑师、洛阳永宁寺的建造者郭安兴的重要事迹。
She was laid to rest in a national cemetery. The rarest quality in an epitaph is truth. 她被安葬在国家公墓里。墓志铭的难能可贵之处是真实。
Funeral. "Beloved Daughter" is her epitaph. 葬礼上,“深爱的女儿”是她的墓志。
Keats chose as high epitaph "Here lies one whose name was writ in water." 济慈为自己选择的墓志铭是:“这里长眠这一个名字写在水中的人。”
After Liu zongyuan's death, Han Yu had composed the funeral oration, the epitaph and Liuzhou Luochi Miao Bei to him. 柳宗元死后,韩愈为其撰写了祭文和墓志铭后,又写了《柳州罗池庙碑》一文。
In the next wind of the night, we repentance for the youth in your mind carving the epitaph! 在未来的夜风中忏悔为青春雕刻在你脑海中的墓志铭吧!
The tomb of mahazhi in the park and the epitaph on it showed zheng's family background and birthplace. 郑和公园内马哈只墓及墓志铭(墓碑),说明了郑和的家世和郑和的出生地。
I would say that all of those ways of reading the epitaph are consistent with hermeneutics. 可以说所有这些解读这条墓志铭的方法,都和现代阐释学相一致。