
英 [eksˈhjuːmd] 美 [ɪɡˈzuːmd]

v.  (为检查死因)掘出(尸首)




  1. VERB (尤指为查明死因而)挖出,掘出(尸体)
    If a dead person's body is exhumed, it is taken out of the ground where it is buried, especially so that it can be examined in order to find out how the person died.
    1. His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens, New York City.


  1. His remains have been exhumed from a cemetery in Queens, New York City.
  2. Despite documentation, scientists have yet to agree on the virus type of the flu and as recently as2000 exhumed bodies for conclusive answers.
  3. Hong Kong, one of the most densely packed spots on the planet, is running out of places to bury its dead& leaving thousands of corpses either in limbo or in six-year resting plots before being exhumed and cremated.
  4. The trembling grave-keeper obeyed the people's champion and exhumed Gabrielle's body, and the sculptor set about his grisly task.
  5. The body was exhumed and burned.
  6. The remains of an unknown Australian soldier, exhumed from a First World War military cemetery in France, were ceremonially entombed in the Memorial's Hall of Memory.
  7. When the police exhumed the corpse they discovered traces of poison in it.
  8. Fully one-half of the buried city, perhaps, is completely exhumed and thrown open freely to the light of day.
  9. The3 times I did manage to get the data back, I exhumed only the data that I absolutely required.
  10. Time is visible, but people out of the potential is exhumed so life need addition.
  11. The remains of the Vietnam Unknown were exhumed in1998; he was identified through DNA testing and reinterred in another cemetery.
  12. The fission track analyses show that these samples are under the exhumed partial annealing zone and the apparent ages obtained are cooling ages with part mixed ages.
  13. Combined with results from field investigation of the exhumed Sulu UHP metamorphic terrain, these new data suggest an oblique extrusion of the UHP metamorphic terrain occurred concurrently with, but the dome formation postdated the exhumation.
  14. The foliated garnet-bearing granites have the geochemical characteristics of A-type granites, suggesting that the magma of these granites in the UHP and HP metamorphic rocks were derived from the partial melting of the retro-metamorphosed UHP metamorphic rocks exhumed into the middle to lower crust.
  15. The induction of research overview is the basis of the extension of the thesis. The present study perspective can be exhumed with the assistance of previous study to highlight the peculiarity of the thesis.