The Monroes continued to entertain extravagantly. 门罗一家继续大宴宾客。
EXAMPLE: Believing that visitors needed to be impressed, the boss decided to buy extravagantly beautiful furniture for the new office as a splurge. 老板认为,有必要给来访者留下深刻印象,所以决定给新办公室购买特别好看的家具,显摆一下。
After being praised extravagantly by some critics and dismissed by others, Lang Lang has entered the endless cycle of favor and disfavor experienced by pianists of great visibility. 自从被某些评论者大捧特捧又被某些人嗤之以鼻后,郎朗就在受欢迎与失宠之间永无止境地摆荡,这是广受瞩目的钢琴家都有的经验。
New Grange is one of the most extravagantly decorated prehistoric tombs. 新格兰奇是装饰最豪华的史前陵墓之一。
The United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap. someone who gambles extravagantly. 直到二十世纪二十年代美国还在挥霍无度地用燃料,,这主要是因为燃料非常便宜。
When I see a man of shallow understanding extravagantly clothe, I always feel sorry-for the clothes. 当我看到知识肤浅而衣服奢华的人之时,我常常为那套衣服觉得可怜。
Merchandise known to be extravagantly priced. 确知是索价昂贵的商品。
Recite volubly or extravagantly. 口若悬河地或挥霍无度地背诵。
They found that when requests for benevolence were financial, rather than time-consuming, romantically primed men were happy to chip in extravagantly. 他们发现当慈善行为要求付出的是金钱而非时间时,那些浪漫思想的男性都会很热衷地大肆捐助。
Harold was extravagantly affectionate with his daughters. 哈罗德过分疼爱自己的几位千金。
It has been a serious problem for the government functionaries eat and drink extravagantly with public money for quite a long time. 一段时间以来,国家工作人员运用公款大吃大喝的行为十分严重。
He was not extravagantly hoping to have superior conditions as that of students from town, and would rest satisfied with the situation similar to most village students. 他并不奢望有城里学生那样优越的条件,只是希望能象大部分乡里来的学生一样就心满意足了。
At any rate Cody asked him a few questions and found that he was quick and extravagantly ambitious. 不管怎样,科迪问了他几个问题,发觉他聪明伶俐而且雄心不小。
Extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned or zealous. 极端或过分热情的;
The Beginning of the Great Revival released last month, is an extravagantly produced, state-sponsored propaganda movie, which cost$ 12 million to make, a fortune by Chinese standards. 上个月上映的《建党伟业》制作场面十分奢华,这是一部国家支持的宣传片,花费了1200万制作成本描述了中国当时建党事业。
They have strong desire of seeking knowledge, do not spend money extravagantly, and are often thrifty. 求知欲旺盛,懂得节俭,不随便浪费金钱。
Who that has heard a strain of music feared then lest he should speak extravagantly any more forever? 谁听到过一段音乐就害怕自己会永远说话说得过火呢?
Extravagantly or foolishly loving and indulgent. 过分的或荒谬的爱和纵容。
Relating to or being an extravagantly enthusiastic opinion or review. 吹捧的与狂热的意见或看法有关的;
Remember to dine extravagantly on the train, washing down all you eat with several bottles of crisp white wine. 记得尽情享用列车上的东西,然后喝上几杯清冽的白葡萄酒冲洗一下肠胃。
The car will be so extravagantly, embarrassingly clean that for a week or two after the wash you will be waiting impatiently for the dirt to begin accumulating. 在清洗后一、两周内,车会干净得要死,甚至让你有点儿不好意思,然后你将不耐烦地等着它开始变脏。
She admired everything extravagantly and then sat watching me prepare dinner. 她大肆赞赏每一种设备,然后就坐下来看我准备晚餐。
When I see a man of shallow understanding extravagantly clothe, I always feel sorry for the clothes. Sound knowledge& skill of Skincare, make-up and hair color. 当我看到知识肤浅而衣服奢华的人之时,我常常为那套衣服觉得可怜。完善的护肤、妆及染发知识和技巧。
Is it social harmony when you can't even buy a house while others are extravagantly corrupt? wrote another commentator on the Sohu blog. 另一位玩家在搜狐博客上写道:当你连房子都买不起时,而别人却在腐败挥霍,这难道就是社会和谐吗?
But, regarding the diabetic, cannot "open wide the belly" absolutely to eat and drink extravagantly. 但是,对于糖尿病患者来说,绝对不能“敞开肚皮”大吃大喝。
I lived extravagantly, taking cabs everywhere. 我生活铺张,去哪儿都要乘计程车。
So they are happy to ensure developers have the capital to bid extravagantly at land auctions. 因此,它们乐于确保开发商拥有资金在土地拍卖会上大肆抬高报价。
You are making such a big ad film and spending so extravagantly. 你正在制作一部大投入的广告片。
Females fart just as much as males, though on the whole less extravagantly. 尽管从整体而言女性放屁较少,但实际上女性放的屁其实跟男性一样多。