He once seized my knitting, flinging it across the room. 有一次他抓过我织的东西,把它扔到了屋子的另一头。
I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about, but put them away tidily. 我希望孩子们把衣服整齐地放在一边,不要到处乱扔。
The horses are flinging up their heels in the warm spring air. 马在温和的春光中又蹦又跳地撒欢。
Flinging back her head, she laughed and laughed. 她把头往后一仰,大笑不止。
The monkey was up the tree, flinging nuts to the ground. 这只猴子爬到树上往地面扔坚果。
Those boys have been flinging stones at passing cars. 这些男孩子们一直朝过往的汽车扔石头。
I asked, flinging down my rake, and tying my bonnet. 我问,丢下耙,系上帽子。
Cried Hester, flinging herself on the fallen leaves beside him. 海丝特一边叫着,一边扑倒在落叶上,躺在他身边。
Hastily flinging her cloak around her she opened the door and followed, putting out the candles as if she were never coming back. 她急忙把大衣披在身上,打开门跟着走了出去,出去时她把蜡烛吹灭了,仿佛再也不回来似的。
She cried, flinging her arms around him. 她喊着,一下子把他搂到怀里。
Scarlett rose, flinging her sewing down. 思嘉站起来,把手里的活计扔到地上。
I was only flinging out a few suggestions as to what we should do next. 我只是就下一步如何去做提几个建议。
And again she brings me an apple and flinging it over the fence with that same sweet smile. 她又一次给我带来了苹果,并且面带同样的甜蜜微笑把它抛过了铁丝网栅栏。
A Y-shaped stick having an elastic strap attached to the prongs, used for flinging small stones. 一种Y形的棍子,其叉子上系有一根有弹性的带子,用于投掷小石块。
She surprised him by turning, in full Fifth Avenue, and flinging her arms about his neck. 令他惊讶的是,在拥挤的第五大街上,梅转过身来,伸出双臂搂住了他的脖子。
'look!'she said, flinging open the lid with a dramatic gesture. “瞧!”她说道,随即戏剧性地一抬手将盖子倏然掀开。
Flinging aside his coat, he chased after his attacker. 他把衣服丢在一边,便去追赶袭击他的人。
Makes you feel like you are actually being strategic instead of just flinging birds until you pass the level. 让你觉得自己还是很有战斗策略的,而不是只傻傻地一直扔鸟。
Flinging aside all cares, he went abroad. 他不顾一切去了国外。
But is she very ill? 'I asked, flinging down my rake and tying my bonnet. 她的病很严重吗?我问道,扔下耙子,系上帽子。
Why has she been flinging charges of rudeness at me? 她为什么老是那么言词激烈地指责我粗野无礼呢?
She sat silently, flinging the odd word into the conversation from time to time. 她静静地坐在那儿,不时插上一两句话。
She said, flinging back her shawl and baring her beautiful head to the bitter wind. 她说道,把技巾甩在脑后,光着美丽的脑袋顶着寒风。
Perhaps you should check your facts before flinging charges of corruption at the board. 在你鲁莽地指控董事会腐败之前,或许你应该先核实一下事实。
Oh, Edgar, Edgar!'she panted, flinging her arms round his neck. “啊,埃德加,埃德加!”她喘息着,搂着他的脖子。
The speaker and I flinging dirt? 议长和我互扔泥巴吗?
She took off her hat, flinging it on the grass. 她脱下帽子把它扔在草地上。
"And you can take your ring back too!" she cried, flinging it down on the table. 你还可以把戒指拿回去!她嚷着,把它掼在桌子上。
Why are you flinging away your money on such useless things? 你干嘛要把钱浪费在这些无用的东西上?
The black hole consumed an estimated 1 percent of the doomed star, flinging the rest out into space. 黑洞大约吞噬了这颗“倒霉的”恒星的百分之一,剩余的部分被抛向宇宙空间。