More Americans are fudging their taxes and an increasing number of people are scared of being audited, a survey from the IRS Oversight Board shows. 一项国税局监督委员会的调查报告显示,越来越多的美国人在税务上做手脚,越来越多的人害怕被查账。
Those dastardly banks are at it again, fudging their balance sheets so they can hold less capital. 这些卑鄙的银行又在动歪脑筋了,他们粉饰资产负债表以减少需要持有的资本。
Treasury Department must stop fudging and obfuscating. 首先,美国财政部应该停止搪塞和糊弄。
People have accused us of fudging the issue. 人们指责我们在这个问题上逃避责任。
In this scientific Wild East, an unprecedented number of researchers stand accused of cheating from fudging r é sum é s to fabricating data to gain fame or plum positions. 在此科学领域“大西部”开发中,空前数量的研究者被指责进行欺骗从捏造简历到伪造数据到骗取有声望或有利可图的职位。
In answering these questions, spineless non-executive directors would be discouraged from fudging answers by the promise of a prison sentence should they fail to be candid. 为了防止没有脊梁骨的非执行董事捏造答案,不妨立法规定,如果他们没有坦诚回答,就可能面临牢狱之灾。
Officials say that tight monitoring measures such as these have helped protect the endangered cat and reduced the chances of fudging the records to inflate the numbers. 官员称,像这样的紧密监控措施有助于保护濒临灭绝的猫、猫科动物和减少机会捏造记录来夸大其数量。
Pentagon policy makers vow there's no thought of fudging on their intention. 五角大楼的决策者们发誓说他们根本没有想使他们的意图不了了之。
The conference must achieve a spirit of genuine progress over and above the inevitable horse-trading and political fudging which will convince not only politicians but also billions of individuals around the world that the fight against global warming is worth joining. 本次会议必须打造出一种真实进展的精神(超越不可避免的讨价还价和政治作势),让世界各地的政界人士乃至数十亿人相信:抗击全球变暖是一项值得投入的事业。
Before then he was good at "fudging" through things but not enough. 在此之前,他很擅长于马虎了事。
China is obsessed with growth and will do almost anything to achieve high growth rates, including fudging figures blatantly. 中国不惜一切代价提高这一增长率,包括虚报数据。
Others have complained that their rivals are "fudging" to achieve desired results. 也有高管抱怨,竞争对手们都在“用作假手段”来实现想要的结果。