The dogs were leaping and growling at the full stretch of their chains. 那些狗又蹦又叫,把链子绷得紧紧的。
The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail. 那条狗在一边撕咬一边低声吼叫,尾巴也跟着摇摆。
The thunder is growling. 雷声隆隆。
It was growling like something demented, which it was, of course, and its backside was almost in my face even my peril in no way diminished the frightful stench of the creature. 它发狂地嗷叫着,对,是发狂了。屁股几乎挨着我的脸&尽管我身处险境,可仍闻到这家伙身上可怕的恶臭。
Mom, what are you cooking? My stomach is growling. I haven't eaten all day. 妈妈,你在做什么?我的肚子饿的咕咕直叫,我已经一整天没吃东西了。
Guess who is growling? 猜猜是谁在咆哮?
These 11 things will help explain why your belly's been growling. 这11个原因帮你解释为什么你的肚子一直在咕咕叫。
Bensley made growling and hissing noises while biting and hitting the woman in her bed, Heyse said. 之后他袭击了躺在床上的女子,撕咬她并发出吼叫、嘶嘶的声音。
'I call it purring, not growling,'said Alice. “我把这说成是打呼噜,不是叫。”爱丽丝说。
This is a word to use when youre feeling very hungry so hungry your stomach is growling. 当你感到非常饿的时候就可以用这个词如此饿以至于你的胃开始咆哮。
Still weak from illness, and terrified by the growling dog, Oliver could not resist. 由于生过病,身体仍然很虚弱,奥利弗被这条狗的狂叫吓坏了,他坚持不住了。
Then come the dog's twelve years, and he lies in the corner growling, no longer having teeth with which to bite. 然后是狗的十二年,那时他失去了利齿,咬不动东西,只能躺在墙脚忿忿不平地低吼。
A dog indicates his feelings by growling, barking, or wagging his tail. 狗用咆哮、吠叫或摆尾表达感情。
The dog made a deep growling noise in his throat. 这条狗从喉咙里发出了一声低沉的嗥叫。
As the people draw near they can hear the deep growling roar. 人们走近时能听到深沉的轰隆声。
Growling bear's vision that the buffalo would not return. “哮熊”认为野牛不会回来的幻象。
Oh, my stomach is growling. 啊,我肚子咕噜咕噜作响。
The children laughed with delight and loudly practiced their growling hellos before taking a photo with Big Bird. 孩子们笑得很开心,学着丽丽的“你好”声并与大鸟合影。
Could not accept the terrible vision of growling bear. 无法接受“哮熊”所说的可怕的幻象。
That growling bear gave to her brother. 曾经是“哮熊”给她的哥哥的。
From there came an angry growling sound, almost like a dog. 从那儿传出了愤怒的嚎叫声,几乎像一只狗似的。
It was growling and chasing its tail. 它在嗥叫还在追尾巴。
Other signs can include meowing, growling, skin twitching, and cessation of purring. 还可能的信号有:发出喵声,咆哮,皮肤抽搐和停止了(满足时)呜呜叫。
As a matter of fact, if you said cheese around them, they'd start growling. 实际上,如果你说乳酪在他们四周,他们就会开始咆哮。
The vision of growling bear was coming to pass. 咆哮之熊的幻象真的出现了。
The dog's growling had entirely ceased, as well as the uneasiness of the orang. 托普不咆哮了,猩猩也不再感到不安了。
To change the terrible vision of growling bear. 去改变“哮熊”看到的可怕的幻象。
But only if you stop growling at me. 但你只有停止对我吼叫才行。
There's lots of screaming and growling and he comes out with his clothes all torn, covered in blood an half dead. 传出一阵尖叫和咆哮声,男人满身的血、衣衫褴褛、半死不活的走了出来。