All outward objects harmonised with her despair. 所有外界的事物也正配合着她失望的情绪。
For instance, guidelines for invoicing and settling trade in Renminbi need to be harmonised. 例如,需要对以人民币计价的规则和人民币贸易结算的规定进行协调统一。
Among their suggestions were balanced-budget rules in all17 euro-zone countries, harmonised corporate-tax rates and a levy on financial transactions. 默克尔与萨科齐共同提议,要在欧元区17个国家实现财政平衡,统一企业税率并征收新的金融交易税。
Apache Karaf, which aims to be a distribution that can run on top of Equinox or Felix and provides a harmonised shell as well as other features. 另外,ApacheKaraf可以运行在Equinox或Felix之上,提供统一的shell以及其他特性。
Political leaders and regulators have concluded that specifying a harmonised global approach to the resolution of failed banks is too complex a challenge, people familiar with the agenda said. 据熟悉议程的人士透露,各国政界领袖和监管官员已得出结论,规定一种全球一致的办法来清盘倒闭银行,是一项太过复杂的挑战。
This new version of the technical annex will increase the number of harmonised frequency bands that can be used by short-range devices. 技术法规附录的新版本增加了短距离无线设备使用的协调频段数量。
While it is likely to call for the practice to be a criminal offence in the worst cases of abuse, it is expected to stop short of suggesting harmonised jail sentences across the EU. 虽然有可能提出,在严重违反相关规定的情况下,雇用非法移民的行为被界定为刑事犯罪,但预计它将不会建议统一全欧盟的监禁判决。
No, the only single product that requires you to identify a harmonised code for each component is a watch. 不用,只有手表需要您为每个零件分别确定协调号码。
Harmonised regulations reduce costs and can set global norms. 和谐的法规能降低成本,并成国际规范的准绳。
If my single product has many components, do I need to provide a harmonised code for each component separately? 如果我的单件产品包括许多零件,我是否需要为每个零件分别提供协调号码?
Quickly and accurately identify harmonised tariff codes for your products. 迅速准确地为您的产品找到协调关税代码。
It is also vital to maintain an internationally harmonised approach. 保持国际间的通力协作也至关重要。
They also impose heavier, harmonised disclosure requirements. 新规还出台了更严厉、更具协调性的披露要求。
The official line among regulators at Davos is still that the authorities must continue to be focused on a globally harmonised approach to regulation. 现身达沃斯的监管者们仍持,各国政府必须继续把重点放在全球协同监管上。
Regulators should implement more robust information sharing and harmonised disclosure, coupled with a more systemic, effective reporting regime for institutions and main market participants. 监管机构应当实施更强有力的信息共享和统一披露、以及面向机构和主要市场参与者的更具系统性和更加有效的报告制度。