A pretty young girl came hurtling down the stairs. 一个漂亮的小女孩从楼梯上冲下来。
A ball came hurtling towards her face. 一个球劈脸向她打来。
To hear the hype machine tell it, the world is hurtling headlong into a 3-D printing revolution. 要按造势媒体的说法,全世界都正在朝着3D打印革命的方向一路飞奔。
In the Hollywood movie Armageddon, Bruce Willis attempts to blow up a huge asteroid hurtling towards Earth. 在好莱坞大片《世界末日》里,布鲁斯·威利斯试图炸掉一颗飞向地球的小行星。
With the euro zone hurtling into uncertainty and maybe towards a nasty end, irritation over German inflexibility has prompted a new sense of urgency. 当欧元区纵身猛冲至动荡之中,而且可能走向令人不快的终结时,对于德国僵化呆板的焦躁已然激起了一股新的紧迫感。
The crew members were scrambled into escape capsules ready to fire off for an emergency return to Earth after Nasa officials spotted a piece of space junk hurtling towards the path of the ISS. 在美国国家航天局发现一块太空垃圾正在飞向国际空间站的轨道上之后,今天国际空间站的成员们紧急撤离到了逃生舱,随时准备紧急返回地球。
It is as though, while hurtling towards a tornado, the pilot and crew of an airliner decided to rewrite their operating manual, publish it and invite comments from peers. 这就好像在飞机冲向龙卷风时,飞行员和机组人员决定修改操作手册并将其公布出来,同时邀请同业置评。
As fellow human beings, fellow travelers on planet Earth, this spaceship of ours, hurtling around the Sun, is becoming smaller and smaller. 作为人类同胞,同生活在地球这个宇宙飞船上,绕着太阳急速飞驰,现在大家的距离变得越来越小了。
Participants in the study were told a hypothetical scenario in which a bus is hurtling out of control, bearing down on a dog and a human. Which do you save? 参与研究者被告知一种假设的情形:一辆巴士横冲直撞失去了控制,马上要压到一只狗和一个人,你会救哪个?
Like many dreams of seizing intensity, this one is both deliriously beautiful and charged with primal fear& not just fear of falling, but of hurtling up, spinning out, breaking loose from our planet's embrace. 像很多扣人心弦的梦境一样,这一个梦境既充满了美感,也充斥着原始的恐惧,除了坠落,还有被抛起、甩出、脱离地球怀抱的恐惧。
Griphook whistled and a small cart came hurtling up the tracks toward them. 拉环吹了一声口哨,一辆小车便沿着轨道向他们驶来。
At that second a trolley came hurtling by, heading downtown, its bell clanging loud. 就在此刻,一辆开往闹市的电车风驰电掣而来,铃声震耳。
These pseudo mini-hats send me hurtling down memory's byways to my boarding school, where the dress code allowed girls to wear anything except shorts and midriff tops but required the boys to don jackets and ties. 这些伪迷你帽让我的思绪飞到我住在寄宿学校的时候,那里的校规允许女孩们穿任何服装,除了短裤和露脐装,但要求男孩子要穿外套、打领带。
Meteors hurtling through space 飞驰于太空中的流星
All the Lawyers were rounded up and sent hurtling into the sun in2017 during the Great Awakening. 所有的律师在2017年大觉醒的时候,都被捆起来丢进太阳里了。
Remember those hysterical forecasts about a world hurtling towards economic Armageddon. 记得那些歇斯底里的、号称世界正疾驶向经济末日的预言吗?
Hurtling at warp speeds, millions of miles from home. 以一种极快的速度行驶,并且离家数百万英里。
When a car hits its long, spindly legs, that mass comes hurtling through the windscreen, killing or crushing those in the front seats. 如果细长的鹿腿被车撞到,这种巨兽会猛烈撞破挡风玻璃,将前排乘客压伤甚至杀害。
A scene of hurtling bodies and flailing and arms, slipping and sliding like human sleighs. 一个镜头飞驰机构和无序和武器,滑移和滑动像人类雪橇。
She slipped and went hurtling downstairs. 她一失足咕噜噜跌下楼梯。
During the gales roof tiles came hurtling down. 大风中屋顶的瓦刮了下去。
Their lives burst into adventure when Digory's Uncle Andrew, who thinks he is a magician, sends them hurtling to* somewhere else. 多戈瑞的舅舅自认为是魔法师,当他把多戈瑞和玻莉送到另一空间的某个地方时,他们的历险开始了。
Countle meteoroids will be sent hurtling into the Earth's atmo here at71 kilometres a second. 无数流星将以每秒71公里的速度划破长空。
A trolley is hurtling down the tracks. 一列电车正沿着轨道急驶。
This car came hurtling towards me and I thought my number was up. 那辆车朝我疾驰过来的时候,我想我死定了。
We saw rocks and stones hurtling down the mountain. 我们看到岩石以飞快的速度从山上滚落下来。