
英 [ˌɪntəˈmɪŋɡlɪŋ] 美 [ˌɪntərˈmɪŋɡlɪŋ]

v.  使(人、思想、色彩等)混合



BNC.35865 / COCA.31401


  1. V-RECIP 混合;混在一起
    When people or things intermingle, they mix with each other.
    1. This allows the two cultures to intermingle without losing their separate identities.
    2. opportunity for them to intermingle with the citizens of other countries.


  1. In Nepal, differences between Hindus and Buddhists have been in general very subtle and academic in nature due to the intermingling of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs.
  2. What does that sombre intermingling of bones buried beneath the furrows of Waterloo think of that?
  3. The tags begin and end without intermingling with other tags.
  4. Instead, the application embedded queries directly into the templates, effectively intermingling the three responsibilities into one page.
  5. A process of intermingling molecules as a result of random thermal agitation.
  6. However, there was much confusion with other religions and belief systems at the time, and there was quite a bit of intermingling.
  7. As for the Rupert-Ron intermingling, he says: "Possibly I've taken on some of his characteristics and we have merged into the same kind of person."
  8. The history of the evolution of China's ethnic groups is one of frequent contacts and intermingling.
  9. The streets and the small squares in these blocks will be an important area for intermingling for the guest artist and entourage with the local artists and office personnel working in the building.
  10. The increased intermingling of politics and finance will create new risks in the US financial system.
  11. In the evolution of Chinese culture, the norm had always been the interaction and intermingling of Confucianism and Taoism. Religion was just a folk activity, not the mainstream culture in society.
  12. There was a small opening in between the two cages for intermingling of neighboring animals.
  13. It consists of many directories and scripts, and the files are a mix of PHP classes, HTML, and even an intermingling of the two.
  14. Other precautionary measures are taken, including preventing intermingling with animals that are not taking part in the trial, and the monitoring of all disease outbreaks in the area.
  15. The huge Han population is the result of the intermingling of many nationalities over a long time.
  16. The analysis of the microstructure proved that gypsum excited the reactivity of oil well cement intermingling slag.
  17. I enjoy intermingling and doing things with others.
  18. Our mother tongues, and the intermingling of our mother cultures, will be a source of vibrancy, and give us distinctiveness.
  19. Generic intertextuality, which is a universal feature of texts, can be understood as the intermingling of elements from different genres within a single text.
  20. Later, goddess worship intermingling with magic formed the main factor of civilization's origin, and promoted the transition from wildness to civilization.
  21. The course that the musical creation of erhu has followed for nearly a century clearly embodies the collision and intermingling of the traditional culture with the Western musical culture.
  22. Satisfactory results were obtained from physiological experiments requiring elimination of the noise intermingling with nerve action potentials in rabbits.
  23. Social Memory of the Intermingling of the Mongol-Chinese Culture
  24. With the analysis of the discourses of post-colonial literature by local writers, immigrant writers and white immigrant offspring writers, this paper aims at systematically elaborating its common characteristics: rewriting of histories, remolding of identities and intermingling of languages.
  25. And the trouble with the direct Kantian approach, the intermingling of meta-ethics and normative ethics, is that it results in an idealized concept rather than a working concept which is inadequate to the varied and pluralistic reality of moral values.
  26. Peperite is a special kind of volcaniclastic rock formed by the intermingling of magma with wet sediments.
  27. Stirred by the allocation of social interests, it is a collective conflict intermingling with contradicts, collisions and even a large-scale resistance.
  28. Professor Ren Ping believes that this disease is caused by Qi stagnation and phlegm block and exogenous evils attacking. She divides it into syndrome of phlegm and heat intermingling and syndrome of both Qi and Yin deficiency.
  29. Especially in East-Asia, where in face of the complicated intermingling of traditional security and non-traditional security, and where social system, development level and religious beliefs are so different, it is more difficult to carry out security cooperation.
  30. The analysis shall be focused on the appropriate balance between the public interests and the private interests in the real world: the absolute public interests rarely exists, usually intermingling with the private interests.