
英 [ˈdʒɜːniɪŋ] 美 [ˈdʒɜːrniɪŋ]

v.  (尤指长途)旅行


BNC.36993 / COCA.42727


  1. N-COUNT 旅行;行程
    When you make a journey, you travel from one place to another.
    1. There is an express service from Paris which completes the journey to Bordeaux in under 4 hours.
  2. N-COUNT (心灵的)历程
    You can refer to a person's experience of changing or developing from one state of mind to another as a journey.
    1. How do we go about embarking on this 'inner journey' to understand ourselves?...
    2. My films try to describe a journey of discovery, both for myself and the watcher.
  3. VERB 旅行
    If you journey somewhere, you travel there.
    1. In February 1935, Naomi journeyed to the United States for the first time...
    2. She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey.
  4. Do not confuse journey, voyage, trip, and excursion. A journey is the process of travelling from one place to another by land, air, or sea. ...a journey of over 2,000 miles. If you journey to a place, you travel there. This is a literary use. The nights became colder as they journeyed north. A voyage is a very long journey from one place to another, usually by sea or through space. ...the voyage to the moon in 1972. A trip is the process of travelling from one place to another, staying there, usually for a short time, and coming back again. ...a business trip to Milan. Note that the verb trip is not used with this meaning. An excursion is a short trip made either as a tourist or in order to do a particular thing. The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace of Knossos.
    不要混淆 journey,voyage,trip和excursion。journey指经由陆路、空路或海路,从一地到另一地的旅程,如:a journey of over 2, 000 miles (2, 000多英里的旅程)。表示旅行到某个地方用journey,这是文雅的用法:The nights became colder as they journeyed north(他们北上的过程中,夜晚变得越来越冷)。voyage通常指乘船或乘坐飞行器进行的长途旅行:the voyage to the moon in 1972(1972年的登月之旅)。trip通常指短期逗留的往返旅程:a business trip to Milan(到米兰出差)。注意,trip用作动词时含义不同。excursion指短途的观光游览或有其他目的的短途旅行:The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace of Knossos(旅游局组织去克诺索斯王宫观光游览)。


  1. Even though XP has evolved, this is a great book to have an inexperienced team read before journeying on their maiden XP voyage.
  2. Using the train network is a viable option, especially if journeying city-to-city within Europe and places like Japan where the infrastructure is good and the trains are reliable.
  3. This was always how Clare settled practical questions; by a sentiment which had nothing to do with them. They decided to go immediately after the wedding, and remain for a fortnight, instead of journeying to towns and inns.
  4. I don't know the answer, and I suppose that's what this year of journeying is about.
  5. I was following my dream, journeying with the sun.
  6. I believe each of us has the power to discover our purpose and become joyful in the process of journeying toward that purpose.
  7. When, after long journeying, they came into another country, they tried to get work everywhere, but wherever they knocked they were turned away, and no one would have pity on them.
  8. Journeying through January to December each YEAR made us what we are today* and in a fair way.
  9. The cows are journeying north to Thunder Bay in Canada to gain cultural enrichment and enjoy a vacation on the sunny shores of Lake Superior.
  10. Two men were journeying together in each other's company.
  11. Ashley put down the axe and looked away and his eyes seemed to be journeying to some far-off country where she could not follow.
  12. They roam with the seasons, following animals on their migrations or journeying to where fruits and nut grow in greatest abundance.
  13. And he went on, journeying still to the south.
  14. Some Travelers, journeying along the seashore, climbed to the summit of a tall cliff, and looking over the sea, saw in the distance what they bought was a large ship.
  15. Ride, take the train or at least car share to the trail centre, or ride your local trail instead of journeying.
  16. So when you are done in your dungeon, just commit suicide and return to the entrance with your ghost instead of journeying out?
  17. In journeying eastward he had gone towards the sun, and the days therefore diminished for him as many times four minutes as he crossed degrees in this direction.
  18. Since accepting the family education and edifying, Haimingwei also is fond of going hunting, art draws journeying.
  19. When we think of exploring, we often imagine journeying to faraway lands, the bottom of the ocean or even space.
  20. And in the waste land, where you have seen how the Lord was supporting you, as a man does his son, in all your journeying till you came to this place.



  1. the act of traveling from one place to another

      Synonym:    journey