
adj.  限局性的,局部的
v.  使地方化,定位,局限(localise的过去分词)


BNC.15077 / COCA.44230


  1. Community radio is a concept which is much more localised.
  2. He has been localised.
  3. These models include the localised cooling effect of sulphate aerosols.
  4. In the future these molecules will be used in localised tumor chemotherapy and to develop tiny memory-modules.
  5. Scientists have carefully checked these observations to exclude observational errors and other influences& such as the urban heat island effect and localised warming due to land surface changes.
  6. As a result, the enormous gap that existed in pay packages for locals and foreigners is disappearing, and a new category of localised foreigners or people working on a local-plus package is emerging.
  7. Each enterprise or business unit in the SCM represents an independent entity with conflicting and competing product requirements and may possess localised information relevant to their interests.
  8. For manufacturers, the damage to power and distribution networks across seven prefectures is much worse than the more localised disruption of the Kobe quake, after which trade slowed for a few quarters.
  9. Blame remains localised, even though the extent of school collapses could suggest systemic rather than individual shortcomings.
  10. Formerly localised threats, the report says, now spill over into threats to global security.
  11. The glib products of wishful thinking that a localised problem in subprime mortgages would never infect broader asset classes, let alone the "real" economy; or that a newly resurgent Asia would effortlessly decouple from a sagging North America have been shown to be pretty damaging.
  12. Localised loading is not permitted.
  13. On the supply side, the dearth of Chinese agribusinesses and supply networks makes distribution localised, inefficient and costly.
  14. Furthermore, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging can demonstrate features such as fibrosis and subtle localised hypertrophy if the athlete has a cardiomyopathy.
  15. What began as localised unrest following the police shooting of a man in north London has exploded into an orgy of arson, looting and feral violence which has spread through the capital and to other English cities.
  16. Localised products for Japan and China
  17. Urban areas along with some rural areas of southern and eastern Bhutan are already witnessing localised deforestation, says the Bhutan office of the UN Development Programme ( UNDP).
  18. To compete with local rivals, the Danish company has localised 90 per cent of its supply chain.
  19. In addition, most studies are from the US or Western Europe, which makes them suitable for managers of multinational companies, but of limited value to more localised firms.
  20. Tactile imaging is a perception or FEELING of localised bodily awareness.
  21. The US came in at 14th among the OECD countries, but its localised school system was extremely variable.
  22. Policy makers have tried to guide cities toward a more sustainable path using policies that range from carbon emission targets and incentives for localised solar power, to caps on energy use and huge investments in public transportation.
  23. Sectors with exposure to foreign finance and more risky and speculative economic activity have taken a hit, and there have been outbreaks of localised panic from spasms of unfocused fear.
  24. You may feel a slight tickling or localised dizziness inside your arm or leg, as you do this.
  25. From the original belongs to all countries and regions all the same and different enterprise in a localised decentralized state.
  26. These failures were associated with localised areas of bone destruction and resorption ( osteolysis).
  27. HIFU is a minimally-invasive treatment for localised prostate cancer in which precisely targeted ultrasound waves are focused within the prostate and instantly destroy cancerous cells.



  1. made local or oriented locally
    1. a decentralized and localized political authority

    Synonym:    localized

  2. confined or restricted to a particular location
    1. the localized infection formed a definite abscess

    Synonym:    localized