
(minimise 的过去分词) vt. 使减到最少/最小, 使降到最低限度, 使缩到最小, 极度轻视
minimise 的过去分词, 过去式



  1. Many of these problems can be minimised by sensible planning.
  2. The chance of cross-infection would be minimised.
  3. Employing an experienced IBM technical consultant will ensure that the risk is minimised of unexpected issues arising from an upgrade.
  4. Logging and tracing have a significant impact on performance and should be minimised wherever possible.
  5. As a result of massive educational pressures and the construction of a child's day, the amount of time they spend outside in bright light is minimised.
  6. The Treasury has recently minimised the number of new PFI projects after finding in 2012 that many were tarnished by waste, inflexibility and lack of transparency.
  7. Public comments are being minimised to avoid inflaming popular and political passions in America.
  8. But the survey of junior doctors found that errors were normalised, dealt with through teasing, or minimised.
  9. So that the benefits are maximised and risks minimised.
  10. Yet China's challenges can hardly be minimised – as underscored by the latest property and credit bubbles, as well as the labour-related pressures seen in the recent problems at Foxconn's Shenzhen plant.
  11. The MLV is of low observable design with minimised acoustic, radar and thermal signatures.
  12. How should panic be minimised?
  13. The orientation of terminals is such that visual and noiseimpact is minimised, while safety and operational efficiency are optimised.
  14. Poor people's capacity to prepare, mitigate, and respond to disasters will increase, the loss of life will be minimised, and people's livelihoods will be better protected.
  15. She stressed that widespread protection from accination would take years to achiee and women would need regular smears in the meantime to ensure they minimised their risk of cancer.
  16. Both Mr Williamson and Ms Ostrom have built on Mr Coase's idea that all transactions have costs but that these costs will be minimised by different institutional arrangements in different situations.
  17. Acute rejection has been minimised under modern immunosuppression; however, patient and long-term allograft outcomes have not improved concurrently.
  18. He also argues that the importance of repeated and regular interaction at a high political level should not be minimised.
  19. Once you build that competence the local society will be ready to engage in its own education, its own research and technology transfer, so that reliance on outside help is minimised.
  20. Processing is most effective at ISO800 and higher, delivering impressively natural results with minimised colour noise right up to ISO12800 ( depends on DLSR model).
  21. The chattering of the VSC system is effectively minimised by designing a load thrust observer and a disturbance feed forward compensation.
  22. The findings are subject to selection bias and confounding, which will have been minimised but not eliminated by propensity score matching.
  23. Yet it must be minimised.
  24. Side impact intrusion is minimised by the double-skinned floor construction, strong side sills and integral side impact bars in each door.
  25. When a congressman incorrectly minimised that record at the hearing, Mr Paulson characteristically remained silent.
  26. The time between the start of the preparation of a solution and its sterilisation or filtration through a micro-organism-retaining filter should be minimised.
  27. With this procedure, appropriate operational amplifier can be selected to meet a given specifications and the number of stages can be minimised.
  28. Software is taken to achieve multiple functions instead of much more hardware, and has saved much investment in hardware, and minimised daily maintenance.
  29. Theory analysis indicates that the thrust ripple and the chattering of the SMC system is effectively minimised by designing a new NN thrust observer and disturbance feed forward compensation.