
英 [ˌmɪsəˈprəʊprieɪt] 美 [ˌmɪsəˈproʊprieɪt]

v.  私吞; 挪用



BNC.33445 / COCA.32767



  1. 私吞;挪用
    to take sb else's money or property for yourself, especially when they have trusted you to take care of it


    1. VERB 盗用;挪用;侵吞
      If someone misappropriates money which does not belong to them, they take it without permission and use it for their own purposes.
      1. I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever...
      2. A total of $500 million is alleged to have been misappropriated.


    1. I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever
    2. Article 39 No organization or individual may occupy, misappropriate or arbitrarily allocate a trade union's assets, funds or immovable property allocated by the State for use by the trade union.
    3. But the same technologies that have spurred rapid growth in the legitimate economy have also allowed criminals to misappropriate the creativity of our innovators and entrepreneurs and to operate global enterprises that survive by executing IP schemes.
    4. No unit shall intercept or misappropriate the funds for agriculture allocated by people's governments at various levels or agricultural loans by banks.
    5. The functionaries of the state or the agencies in charge of social insurance funds who misappropriate the social insurance funds, shall be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law if a crime is constituted.
    6. No project principal or supporting institution may steal or misappropriate the funds by any means.
    7. It is illegal for a fiduciary to misappropriate money for personal gain.
    8. X.Party A guarantees that it will not appropriate or misappropriate its working capital funds for capital construction investment.
    9. Members of the liquidating committee may not abuse their authorities by accepting bribes or receiving other illegal income, and may not misappropriate company assets.
    10. What troubles my moralistic soul most about resume fraud is that the perpetrators often do the jobs they misappropriate rather well.
    11. "He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances."
    12. The directors or manager may not misappropriate company funds or loan such funds to others.
    13. Article 24 Anyone who has in his possession the property of the decedent shall take good care of such property and no one is allowed to misappropriate it or contend for it.
    14. No unit or individual shall misappropriate, embezzle part of, or detain the funding for science and technology allocated from the State financial budget.
    15. No unit or individual may use the work injury insurance fund for investment, constructing or renovating office buildings, or paying bonus, or misappropriate it for other purposes.
    16. The controlling shareholders shall not misappropriate or control such assets or interfere with the listed company's management of such assets.
    17. No organization or individual shall be allowed to misappropriate or withhold the funds designated for vocational education.
    18. No state organ or unit shall intercept or misappropriate funds to be used for agro-technical popularization.
    19. On Experience and Thinkings of Cracking CHEN Yun-dong's and NIE K'es Enormous Case of Misappropriate Funds
    20. The research on controlling shareholder agency problem shows that stock pyramids are the main tool by which the controlling shareholder separates cash flow rights and control rights, and then misappropriate the benefits of middle-small shareholders.
    21. To Guard Against the Problem of Misappropriate IP in Campus Network
    22. By the use of examples, the paper introduces the method to guard against the problem of misappropriate IP by binding the list of static ARP, binding switchboard, siting firewall and agency, and percolating router.
    23. But enterprises cash is enterprise profitability minimum assets, poor investments of enterprises cash means waste of resources, the consequences such as misappropriate caused by the poor enterprises cash management mean the huge losses of the enterprise.
    24. Taking advantage of the shortcoming of law, they misappropriate and transfer state-owned assets and infringe on their benefit right.
    25. Since China established stock market, misappropriate trading clearing funds of clients almost become an open secret and difficultly cure ills in Securities Industry.
    26. The phenomenon that directors of housing fund management center and related personnel have colluded, corrupt, misappropriate the housing accumulation fund are very typically among the investigated and exposure cases.
    27. From the initial simple introduction to copy misappropriate management theory, then extensive absorption industries management theory, and finally to the achievements of self comprehend and innovation, the development of the theory of library management is also colorful.
    28. At the same time, there are a number of cases that corrupt and misappropriate of housing accumulation fund, which have involved huge amount of money, caused adverse influence, and attracted attention from society.
    29. Short-term liabilities and investment expenditures are positively related. The result can not concluded that the short-term liabilities had played the role of Governance in the inhibition of underinvestment, it might be the corporate misappropriate a short-term funds for long-term investment.



    1. appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use
      1. The accountant embezzled thousands of dollars while working for the wealthy family

      Synonym:    embezzledefalcatepeculatemalversate