
英 [ˌmɪsəˈprəʊprieɪtɪd] 美 [ˌmɪsəˈproʊprieɪtɪd]

v.  私吞; 挪用



  1. VERB 盗用;挪用;侵吞
    If someone misappropriates money which does not belong to them, they take it without permission and use it for their own purposes.
    1. I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever...
    2. A total of $500 million is alleged to have been misappropriated.


  1. I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever
  2. Article 31 If any unit or individual misappropriates unemployment insurance funds, the misappropriated fund shall be recovered;
  3. The chairman of Football Federation Australia, Frank Lowy, published an open letter on Wednesday in which he cited an investigation by Concacaf showing that Mr. Warner had committed fraud and misappropriated the funds.
  4. Liddy had misappropriated some of the money, using it to finance his own business.
  5. Except for being used for the futures trading of the clients, the money is not allowed to be occupied or misappropriated by any institutions or individuals.
  6. Mr Pei calculated the cost to GDP using a conservative assumption that 10 per cent of land revenues, investment and government spending are stolen or misappropriated.
  7. Revelations earlier this year that nearly$ 30m of funds budgeted for the Beijing-Shanghai line were misappropriated last year are not reassuring, given the risk that corner cutting could undermine safety.
  8. Originally, the main character worked at an antique shop and sold things that were misappropriated from tombs.
  9. The embezzled or misappropriated public property shall all be recovered; property accepted as bribes and other illegal gains shall all be confiscated.
  10. The left distrusted that distinction and the right misappropriated it, while philosophers continue to pick it Cheap kal geons over.
  11. After the scandal over misappropriated funds the chief accountant was asked to step down.
  12. The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds.
  13. The fees collected in implementing an administrative license in accordance with the law are withheld, misappropriated, divided privately or divided in a disguised form shall be ordered to be refunded;
  14. Conceiving of the Corruption Crime of Absconding with public Funds Misappropriated An Argument About Tao Yuanming's Resignation in Pengze& A Discussion with Mr Geng Baoqiang
  15. Actually, this sort of proof is that Schmidt misappropriated Marx's idea of transformation of material.
  16. This article mainly constitute of lottery money Ye possession, whether to constitute the crime of misappropriation of funds and the misappropriated amount calculation problem is discussed.
  17. At present, the Social Security Fund has been funding a great scale, the Fund faces a severe security challenges, the information shows that there are more than a hundred billion in recent years of social insurance funds were misappropriated or corruption violations.
  18. Changping warehouse have the problem of development problem: Changping land tax has been misappropriated; official mismanagement; Changping warehouse itself system loopholes.
  19. However, over financing behavior of listed companies caused part of the financing funds misappropriated and idle, add liquidity, repayment of bank loans and trust management. It seems to us that many hidden dangers have been buried behind this prosperity.
  20. There are still many problems in endowment insurance funds supervision in China such as misappropriated, thus further strengthening of the supervision of endowment insurance funds turns into the key to ensure the safety of endowment insurance funds.
  21. In the medium, the business scope of ADBC has been narrowed for misappropriated funds.
  22. The United States of America deposit extends insurance system is a good solution to the problem yields customer excess reserves, excess reserves allows customers to greatly reduce the probability of being misappropriated.



  1. taken for your own use in violation of a trust
    1. the banker absconded with embezzled funds

    Synonym:    embezzled