
n.  东北方
adv.  在东北
adj.  (在)东北方的;朝东北的



  1. The Ryukyu Current is a northeastward and western boundary current east of Ryukyu Islands.
  2. We would go downtown by streetcar, a mile and a half, and then seven miles northeastward by interurban trolley.
  3. They were last seen driving in a northeastward direction.
  4. Suspended sediment flux in the sand area is less than that in the mud area, and suspended sediment in whole water column is transported northeastward.
  5. The approach of the geologic characteristic and the origin of the associated ( coexited) ge ore in the northeastward in Yunnan Province
  6. In relation to the eastern part of China the southwestern part moves northeastward and is compressed in NNE direction;
  7. The results show that the there are certain errors between the simulated track of storm center and the observed one, but both the total tend is moving northeastward and the simulated results can be referenced.
  8. The volume transport of this northeastward surface current is about 6 × 106m3/ s.
  9. The direction of the principal stress is generally northeastward, consistent with that of the regional stress field. Nevertheless, the direction of principal stress affected by local faulting is always different from the direction of regional structural stress field near the fault.
  10. In the evolutionary process of the Zhejiang coastal frontal wave, the wave length increases from 20-40 km to 30-60 km. The waves travel northeastward with a speed of about 18 cm/ s.
  11. The dominant stress of tectonic deformation and seismic development in this area comes from the persistent northeastward compression of Qinghai Tibet block;
  12. It is mainly distributed in the rift valley zone or hot spot district of northeastward Yangming mountain, Xiangtan, which corresponds to the mantle-uplift district.
  13. The sedimentary boundaries and deposition centers moved northward or northeastward.
  14. The mean orientation of the rotary spectral ellipse changes with depth: 30o from north to east at 40 m, and changes into 14o from east to south at 324 m, and generally, it points to northeastward, which indicates that waves come from the southwest.
  15. The thrust nappe as a whole underwent Yanshanian and Himalayan compression and nappe-thrusting. In the Yanshanian period the principal compressional stress σ 1 was oriented in a 44 ° direction and the nappes was thrust northeastward with a total displacement of 26.6 km.
  16. Middle-late Oligocene, mainly lacustrine environment with mainly northeastward paleocurrent and warm and humid paleoclimate;
  17. The result shows that the greenhouse with PC board, arc main skeleton and reasonable roof angle is suitable perfectly to the northeastward.
  18. The divergent flow field in the tropical easterly of the upper troposphere stimulates the northeastward stretch of the SEW.
  19. In the cruise of March 1994, the northeastward current southeast of Amami-Oshima is stronger than that southeast of Oki nawa-jima, and their northeastward volume transports are 20.8 × 106 and 7.2 × 106m3/ s, respectively;



  1. the compass point midway between north and east

      Synonym:    northeastnor'-eastNE


    1. toward the northeast


      1. in a northeastward direction
        1. the river flows northeastward to the gulf

        Synonym:    northeastwardly