ADJ 经营的;业务上的;营业上的 Operating profits and costs are the money that a company earns and spends in carrying out its ordinary trading activities, in contrast to such things as interest and investment.
The group made operating profits of £80m before interest. 该集团创造了 8,000万英镑的息前营业利润。
Operating systems can be brought to a halt by a Trojan Horse. 操作系统可能会因为木马病毒的攻击而中止。
Since 1976 he has been operating the shop with the assistance of volunteers 从1976年开始,他就在志愿者的帮助下经营这个店。
Many trains have been cancelled and a limited service is operating on other lines 多趟列车被取消,其他线路上运行的班次也很有限。
There would continue to be a joint command of US and Saudi forces operating within Saudi borders. 美国军队和沙特军队共同组成的联合部队将继续在沙特阿拉伯境内实施军事行动。
I practised operating the controls. 我练习操作这些控制装置。
Mrs Starky accused the local police of operating double standards 斯塔基夫人指责当地警方采用双重标准。
The airport was opened by Canadian troops operating under the flag of the United Nations. 机场由加拿大军队以联合国的名义开放。
The Guyana Defence Force is engaged in flushing out illegal Brazilian miners operating in the country. 圭亚那国防军正采取行动驱逐在本国作业的非法巴西矿工。
The number of fax machines operating around the world has now reached ten million. 现在全球使用的传真机数量已达到了1,000万台。
Up to ten thousand Zimbabwean soldiers are operating in Mozambique 多达1万名津巴布韦士兵正在莫桑比克执行任务。
The group made operating profits of £ 80m before interest. 该集团创造了8,000万英镑的息前营业利润。
The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drugs ring operating out of Munich 美国中央情报局已请求我们协助其打入在慕尼黑市外活动的贩毒集团。
Surgeons began to scrub their hands and arms with soap and water before operating 外科医生们在做手术前开始用肥皂和水清洗双手和胳膊。
The enterprise which has been operating in the red has decided to swith to other production. 那家亏损企业决定转产。
The elevator is not operating properly. 这部电梯运转不正常。
All trains have raised operating speed. 列车全面提速。
Before specific solutions can be tested, nasa must first collect data on how the rotor blades interact with air under a variety of operating conditions. 在测试特定的方案以前,nasa必须首先搜集在不同的运行条件下桨叶与空气如何相互作用的数据。
When she saw the surgeon coming out of the operating room, she stepped forward and asked many questions. 她见医生走出手术室,急忙上前问长问短。
A system partition that contains an operating system. 包含操作系统的一个系统分区。
Performs installation and ongoing maintenance work on hardware, operating and database systems, and middleware. 执行硬件、操作系统和数据库系统以及中间件的安装和正在进行的维护工作。
Now the virtual server creation and operating system installation are complete. 现在,虚拟服务器的创建和操作系统安装均已完成。
The provider controls the operating system, hardware, or network infrastructure on which the applications are running. 供应商控制其上运行应用程序的操作系统、硬件和网络基础架构。
Threads can be created and managed less operating system overhead and fewer system resources. 线程的创建和管理只需要较小的操作系统开销和较少的系统资源。
You can find hardware sizing and operating system recommendations in the respective installation guides. 您可以在相关的安装指南中找到硬件规模和操作系统推荐设置。
This also describes the programming languages and operating systems used in the enterprise. 技术架构还描述企业中使用的编程语言和操作系统。
Operating system and underlying infrastructure. 操作系统和底层基础架构。
On modern hardware and operating systems, it can deliver accuracy and precision in the microsecond range. 在现代硬件和操作系统上,它可以提供微秒级的精确性和精度。
It's the enabler of architectures and operating systems. 它是架构和操作系统的启用程序(enabler)。