The crime elicited an outcry against illicit drugs. 那起罪行引发了打击违禁药品的呼声。
The killing caused an international outcry 这起谋杀引起了国际社会的强烈抗议。
There was public outcry from those opposed to abortion. 反堕胎人士公开大声抗议。
There was a public outcry [ clamour]. 舆论哗然。
Lately some corporate leaders have shown they understand what is driving the outcry. 近来一些商界领袖的行为显示他们已意识到了推动这次运动的因素是什么。
Pakistan's Supreme Court banned kite-flying nationwide last year in response to an outcry over injuries and deaths. 去年,由于公众抗议因放风筝而引发的伤亡事故,巴基斯坦最高法庭在全国颁布了禁放风筝的法令。
But then there is a big outcry in the society saying that what's wrong with us? 然后社会上有很大的反响。我们到底怎么了?
The escalated business war has also triggered a public outcry. 两家公司不断升级的战火引起了众多网民的关注。
Amid the outcry, many conservative leaders are seeking a return to the prewar emphasis on moral education. 在人们的强烈抗议下,许多保守党领导人正在力图回复到战前的情况&强调道德教育。
Being Norways first official child wedding, the event has sparked an outcry of reactions from the public. 这是挪威第一桩官方认可的儿童婚姻,这一事件激起了公众的极大反响。
So all these things have aroused a huge outcry from the Internet. 所有这些事件引发了互联网上民众观点的大爆发。
On Tuesday, there was no immediate political outcry within Greece. 周二,希腊国内没有第一时间出现政治抗议。
As a concession to the public outcry, the government reduced the tax. 作为对公众呼吁的让步,政府减少了税收。
The outcry over such practices has led to reform. 对这些做法的强烈抗议导致了改革。
Google has faced a public outcry over the amount of information it collects from users of its services. 由于从使用其服务的用户处收集了大量信息,谷歌遭到公众的强烈抗议。
The open outcry system will continue. 这种公开叫价的方式会延续下去。
But by then, it should have enough users to prompt an outcry, making any drastic action counterproductive. 但到那时,应会有足够多的用户向其表示强烈抗议,令其采取的任何激烈举措都适得其反。
Sindh's chief minister, Qaim Ali Shah, spoke Tuesday in reaction to the public outcry. 信德省的部长凯姆.沙阿星期二讲了话以回应众怒。
An outcry against atomic tests in the Pacific ocean. 反对在太平洋进行***试验的强烈抗议。
Emboldened by the outcry over AIG, Mr Geithner asked for those powers when he visited Congress last week. 在对aig的一片声讨声中,盖特纳上周大胆向国会请求授予这些权力。
In recent years, fatal car accidents in Chinese cities have triggered a heated public outcry for harsher penalties. 最近几年,中国许多城市的致命交通事故引起公众强烈呼吁实行更严厉的处罚。
There was never any outcry about that because cortisone is legal. 从没有人对此提出抗议,因为可的松是合法的。
A Chinese outcry: doesn't a dog have rights? 一个中国人大声疾呼:难道狗就没有生存权吗?
A number of incidents in recent years have provoked a public outcry against media sensationalism and invasion of privacy. 近年几宗事故中,传媒耸人听闻的报导手法和侵犯私隐,激起公众强烈抗议。
Why has there not been more of an outcry? 为什么没有更多的抗议?
Parents in other towns where schools had similarly collapsed joined the outcry, and engineers and building experts who examined the schools'rubble supported them. 死难学生的父母和其他城镇中为学校的倒塌进行强烈抗议。工程师和建筑专家在检查了学校的瓦砾后也支持家长们的做法。
Following the outcry, he announced he advocated an end to the death penalty worldwide. 出现强烈抗议之后,他宣称,自己提倡在全球范围内终止死刑。
Now, after an outcry by liberals, the president is dithering& his default mode. 现在,经过自由派的大声疾呼,总统的立场又动摇了,正如他一贯食言的那样。
It is so with this iniquitous boy literature and the sudden outcry against it. 所以对这男孩的资料来说,突然面临一种公然的叫嚣反对,这是不公正的。