VERB (由于激动、震惊、愤怒等)突然呼喊,惊叫,大声喊 Writers sometimes use exclaim to show that someone is speaking suddenly, loudly, or emphatically, often because they are excited, shocked, or angry.
'He went back to the lab', Iris exclaimed impatiently... “他回实验室去了,”艾里斯不耐烦地大声说。
He exclaims that it must be a typing error. 他惊呼道那一定是个打字错误。
'He went back to the lab', Iris exclaimed impatiently “他回实验室去了,”艾里斯不耐烦地大声说。
He exclaims that it must be a typing error. 他惊呼道那一定是个打字错误。
I would like to sing, dance, exclaim and wait for you! Your happiness is my biggest comfort, and I will move mountain and earth to win your smile! 我放声歌唱我忘情舞蹈我大声呼唤我跪地守候,只有你我美丽的女主人点头开心了就是我最大的欣慰,为此将竭尽所能只为博你嫣然一笑。
You stop me and exclaim," But that is the ideal convent!" 你拖住我,兴奋地说:“这才真是理想的修院呢!”
In the middle of another conversation, he chanced to exclaim 在另一次谈话中,他偶然想起,大声说道
The spectacular sunrise made us exclaim in surprise. 壮观的日出让我们惊叹不已。
You then launch the software application on your workstation, and, lo and behold, everything works perfectly leading you to exclaim "but, it works on my machine!" 然后您在自己的工作站上启动软件应用程序,结果一切正常,于是您辩解道“但是,在我的机器上能工作啊!”
"Good Heaven! What is to become of us! What are we to do!" would they often exclaim in the bitterness of woe." How can you be smiling so, Lizzy?" 她们老是无限悲痛地嚷道:“老天爷呀!我们这一下还成个什么样子呢?你还好意思笑得出来,丽萃?”
Some of the wise even among themselves exclaim against their own succession, as Hamlet puts it; but lyrically, dramatically, and even historically, I am tenderly attached to them. ' 在他们自己中间,也有一些贤达人士,他们像哈姆雷特说的那样,大声反对他们自己的继承权①;但是古老家族具有抒情性、戏剧性、历史性,倒容易引起我的幽情呢。
He excitedly pulled hard at it, and what he saw made him exclaim, Wow! A big, shiny gold chain! 他非常兴奋,使劲地往上拉,当鱼线拖出水面时,他不禁大声尖叫起来:哇!金光闪闪的长金链!
When widows exclaim loudly against second marriages, I would always lay a wager that the man, if not the wedding-day, is absolutely fixed-on. 当寡妇们大声非议再婚的时候,我敢打赌,要不是婚礼日已定好,就是男方绝对已经定好了。
At this point some readers will exclaim: not cruel to women? 到这里有些读者会呼叫:不对妇女残酷吗?
Little Wade had to be held up time and again, so that ladies who ventured as far through the ooze as their carriage blocks could exclaim over him. 小韦德不得不被一次又一次抱着举起来,让那些穿过门前湿地一直跑到马车道口的人惊叹地看个清楚。
Glory to you! We exclaim with a joyful soul. 到你的光荣?我们与欢乐的灵魂呼喊。
A forest, by definition ( Vanity would exclaim) was a place full of trees, wasn't it? 一片森林的定义(瓦妮特大声说),是一片到处都长满树木的地方,不是吗?
He can not help exclaim at how much his son have grow. 他的儿子已长那麽高了,他不禁惊叫起来。
He would sometimes exclaim, How I love to talk! 有时候,他也叫嚷,我多么喜欢闲谈啊!
For this is the love and light sweet, let people exclaim envy. 渴望这是甜蜜的爱恋,发光地让人羡慕不已,惊叹不已。
"My, but you're a little beauty," drouet was wont to exclaim to her. “天哪,你真是个小美人!”杜洛埃喜欢常常对着她惊呼。
Not till her father had stumped up the steps with a white towel flapping at his belt did someone exclaim. 等她父亲腰带上挂着的白毛巾一抖一抖地走上了台阶,就有人在说。
A look back to a stop, we will exclaim: We think that over time of day, what time is over a year know. 诗人说:一回首,一驻足,我们都会惊叹:我们以为时光之过了一天,哪知道时光已过了一年。
At this point, writers and even editors can become a little frustrated, and may exclaim," But everyone knows xxx!" 在这一点上,作者乃至编辑多多少少有些光火,而且可能还会大嚷到“可是大家都知道啊!”
Mention of Kenneth caused her to exclaim, instantly, that her health was perfect, and it was only Catherine's harshness which made her unhappy. 林惇夫人断然要她上床睡觉,而且把她痛骂一顿,吓唬她说要请大夫来。一提到肯尼兹,她立刻大叫,说她的健康情况十分好,只是凯瑟琳的苛刻使她不快乐而已。
To exclaim in pleasure, satisfaction, surprise, or great joy. 因快乐、满意、惊奇或狂喜而发出“啊”的声音。
The superb culinary technique make people exclaim. 烹调技术的高超,令人惊叹。
After I was thirty, I realize the Eastern culture gradually and such view was also changed with the understanding of its culture and I began to exclaim over the subtlety of Han culture. 当我三十岁以后,我对东方的文化慢慢地认识了解,对汉族的这种看法也随着对它文化的认识而改变,我开始对汉族文化的精妙而感叹。
I did not quite exclaim. 我不是很高声地说道。
Looked this fellow soars the posture, you can not exclaim in surprise the mysterious creator? 看这家伙飞翔中的姿态,你能不惊叹神奇的造物主嘛?
Xue Tao's poems have the unique artistic charm, unfold the mind world makes one exclaim in surprise. 薛涛诗具有独特的艺术魅力,所展现的心灵世界令人惊叹。
Our country shall exclaim and defend its legitimate interests according to the international law. 在相关的国际打捞案件中,我国完全可以根据国际法坚决地主张和维护自己的正当权益。