
英 [ˈpɜːtʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈpɜːrtʃɪŋ]

v.  栖息; 停留; (使)坐,坐在…边沿; 置于(顶上或边上)




    The form perch is used for both the singular and plural in meaning 8. 义项8的单复数同形。

  1. VERB 坐在…边缘;坐在…顶端
    If you perch on something, you sit down lightly on the very edge or tip of it.
    1. He lit a cigarette and perched on the corner of the desk...
    2. He perched himself on the side of the bed.
  2. VERB 在…顶部;在…边缘
    To perch somewhere means to be on the top or edge of something.
    1. ...the vast slums that perch precariously on top of the hills around which the city was built.
  3. VERB 把…置于;使立稳于…的边缘(或顶部)
    If you perch something on something else, you put or balance it on the top or edge of that thing.
    1. The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.
  4. VERB (鸟)栖息,停留
    When a bird perches on something such as a branch or a wall, it lands on it and stands there.
    1. A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window.
  5. (鸟的)栖木,栖枝
    A perch is a short rod for a bird to stand on.
    1. 高位,高处
      You can refer to a high place where someone is sitting as their perch .
      1. PHRASE 赶下神坛
        If someone is knocked off their perch, they are no longer admired or no longer thought of as important or clever.
        1. There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches.
      2. 鲈鱼;河鲈
        A perch is an edible fish. There are several kinds of perch.


        1. The monkey took up perching on my nut.
        2. As in their relationships with the opposite sex, they were found to be as 'attached and faithful', perching side by side, nesting together and greeting each other by nuzzling each other's beaks.
        3. The fish's common name originates from its hawklike habit of perching on the high ground of reefs, where it surveys ts surroundings for predator or prey.
        4. Relating to or characteristic of birds that are not perching birds.
        5. It had so long wings but it didn't fly, perching idly.
        6. The Mandarin duck is a medium-size perching duck, closely related to the North American wood duck.
        7. The doves, perching always on the eaves of the Stone Chapel ( King's Chapel) opposite, may know something about it.
        8. When I parked the car, I saw these finches fluttering around and perching over a feeder at the edge of the parking lot.
        9. Perching on the periphery of every orchestra is a percussion player.
        10. An owl is perching on the roof of the house.
        11. Perching can be discouraged by scaring, shooting or chemical repellants.
        12. Spirit is like the seabird perching on the verge of the cliff, waiting for the moment to fly skywards.
        13. This has kept sediment deposits within the main canal, perching the river some four meters above the surrounding land.
        14. After reunification she fought to hold the Stasi to proper account, perching in their offices to make sure the files were preserved for all to see.
        15. We saw two pheasants, one perching on the south of the rock, the other north of the rock, no more than five meters apart.
        16. Any of more than 20 species of Black perching Birds ( see passerine) of the genus Corvus ( family Corvidae) that are smaller than most ravens and have a thinner Bill.
        17. The size of the prey's third toe is important because, among birds, long third toes are helpful for grasping branches and perching in trees.
        18. Gu Gang whistled and countless pigeons flew to him, some even perching upon his hat, arms, and shoulders.
        19. The bird community was composed of 3, 7, 7, 7 perching guilds in the shrub, coniferous, deciduous and coniferous-deciduous forest, respectively.
        20. This paper puts forward a bulldozer's ultimate load auto-control system, which can automatically adjust the cutting depth of the perching knife according to the working conditions of the machines, and guarantee the bulldozer works at the conditions of the highest productive rata from beginning to end.
        21. Perching Habitat& The Safe Community Shared by Local Residents and the Transient Population
        22. Morphology of Distal Tarsometatarsus and Perching Habits in Birds
        23. In addition, this measure may decrease disease and insect pests infesting and perching on the bark, owing to the bark renewing.
        24. Their perching and oviposition were also affected by temperatures.