Never had she met such spite and pettiness. 她从未遭遇过如此恶毒和狭隘的事情。
They're tired of the partisanship and the shouting and the pettiness. 他们已经厌烦了党派分歧、叫喊和卑劣的争斗。
Now I am well aware the pettiness and grandeur, malice and charity, hatred and love, can find place side by side in the same human heart. 现在非常明白,卑鄙与伟大,怨恨与仁慈,憎恶与热爱,都能在同一个人身上发现。
Against hereditary discrimination there is only the slow process of enlightening people to the historical evil and vile everyday pettiness of discriminating on the basis of race. 针对遗传型的歧视,只能通过启发人们认识历史上种族歧视的邪恶与现在可憎的种族歧视的日常事情,这是一个缓慢的过程。
Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. 让我们抵制住退回到以前的党派偏见、小气和不成熟的诱惑,它们长期以来毒害着政治。
The pettiness of their criticisms enraged him. 他们鸡毛蒜皮地挑剔,他十分气愤。
A little mind consumed with trivia; petty little comments; disgusted with the pettiness of small minds. 耗费在琐事上的狭小气量;心胸狭隘、气量小的评论;厌恶气量狭小的狭隘。
Well done America your pettiness has cost you big time. 美国,你总在鸡毛蒜皮上浪费大量时间,干的好啊!
Her story recalls the vision and manoeuvrings, strategy and gambles, diplomacy and dangers, courage and pettiness of those dramatic days. And it is a tale of immense personalities. 在这部作品中,她回顾了那个戏剧性时代中的眼界与手腕、策略与赌博、外交与危险、勇气与小气。这是一个讲述巨大人格魅力的故事。
It tends to emphasize the notion of human understanding, high-mindedness, detachment from life, absence of pettiness or triviality or vulgarity. 这种观念注重人类的了解,崇高的意志,脱离俗尘的态度,以及琐碎、无聊、或下流的消灭。
Even from you I hadn't expected such pettiness. 即使是你,我也没有料到如此卑鄙。
The Consideration of New Scholar Painting's Pettiness 由新文人画的小巧引发的思考
A life like this, found out in the pettiness and remoteness of living, is right the essence of tea ceremony. 这种于生活最琐碎细微处发现的人生,才是茶道的本质所在。
Electronic products, characterized by "lightness, thinness, shortness and pettiness", make great demands upon the micro-miniature and the assemble intensity of the components and parts inside. 电子产品的轻、薄、短、小化对元器件的微型化和组装密度提出了更高的要求。