He accused me of making a great fuss about trivialities 他指责我为丁点琐事大惊小怪。
Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality. 对政治家的访谈与内容相当耸动的八卦新闻放在同一个版面。
That` s because it involves so much triviality and responsibility, even troubles. 因为,它(婚姻)包含了很多琐事、责任甚至麻烦。
Eg. he was going to expose their triviality once and for all. 他将彻底暴露他们的浅薄无能。
Then, I come to myself that affection is so delicate that it cannot be kept in triviality but in rainy days. 然后,你忽然醒悟,感情原来是这么脆弱的。经得起风雨,却经不起平凡;
The second lesson is about triviality. 第二大启示是关于琐事。
In each case the scenes set in ye olde days are much more dramatic than those set in the present, which suggests that the film-makers are embarrassed by the triviality of modern life. 那些古老时光的场景总比现代场景处理的更引人注目,这也表明了制片人对于现代生活的平凡无奇感到尴尬。
The reason all hell always breaks out over biscuits is not in spite of their triviality, but because of it. 人们之总是在饼干的问题上怨声连连,不在于它事小,而是它本身。
So, you too have it here, your various temples and all the puja and worship and all that triviality; all that is really nonsense. 而且,你们这儿也有,你们各种各样的寺庙,所有的礼拜仪式,崇拜和所有那些琐事,所有这些都是地地道道的愚蠢行为。
She knew now the triviality of those passions which art paints so much larger than life. 她现在知道了,情感的碎屑在艺术中涂抹得比在生活中多得多。
He achieved extraordinary successes at an ordinary post. Your work is just going to be mundane triviality. 他在平凡的工作岗位上作出了突出的成绩。
The triviality of a trigger should not be an excuse to underestimate the effect that trigger may have on a victim. 一个触发中微不足道的特点不应该作为一个低估其可能对受害者产生影响的借口。
When we blather about trivial things, we ourselves become trivial, for our attention gets taken up with trivialities. Your work is just going to be mundane triviality. 处理(剩下的)琐碎事项当我们胡扯琐碎的事情时,我们自己就变得琐碎,因为我们的注意力甘于琐碎。
The prison sentence seemed rather harsh, considering the triviality of the offence. 考虑到罪行的一般性,宣判入狱似乎偏重。
As in every case, speculative identity is not the above-mentioned triviality of an implicit identity of subject and object. 无论何处,思辨的统一,决不是刚才所说的那种肤浅的主体和客体的潜在的同一。
Only then will he be able to see the triviality of this little space. 只有这时,他才能看到这个狭小空间的琐碎。
Triteness or triviality of style. 陈腐或者琐碎的风格。
I had quite a long struggle with it and have come to see the triviality of ideals. 我曾与它做过漫长的斗争,已经看到了理想的琐碎。
It tends to emphasize the notion of human understanding, high-mindedness, detachment from life, absence of pettiness or triviality or vulgarity. 这种观念注重人类的了解,崇高的意志,脱离俗尘的态度,以及琐碎、无聊、或下流的消灭。
One cannot criticize the book on the grounds of triviality. 我们不能根据微末瑕疵来批评这本书。
Consequently, in Wang An'yi's novels, the triviality of the daily life is always her chief concern, whether it is the narration of history or the description of Shanghai and the countryside. 因而,在王安忆的小说中,无论是对历史的叙述还是对上海以及乡村的描摹,凡俗人生的琐细的日常生活一直是她津津乐道的内容。
These methods had been developed recently to reduce the triviality in analyzing the spatial mechanisms. 这些方法在解决空间机构运动分析的繁琐性方面有所创新。
It has resolved the problems such as complication of components design, multitude and triviality of parameter calculation and the influence from the climate, soil quality and planting habit during the experiments By CAA. 农机CAA过程解决了农机部件设计过程复杂、参数计算繁琐、试验条件受气候和种植习惯影响等问题。
Details in school physical education is characterized by their relativity, perpetuity, materiality, authenticity, triviality as well as their expressive and instructive force. 学校体育细节具有细节的一般特点和它的特殊性,表现为相对性、永久性、具体性、真实性、体现性、微小性、教育性等特点。
A novel theory called bi-default theory is proposed for handling inconsistent knowledge simultaneously in the context of default logic without leading to triviality of the extension. 提出了一个新的缺省推理理论,称为双缺省理论,使得缺省逻辑在四值语义下能够同时处理不协调的知识而不导致扩张的平凡性。
Objective To seek a scientific and practical method of quantifying clinical nursing activities with a knowledge of variety, complexity and triviality. 目的针对临床护理工作内容具有多样性、复杂性、琐碎性等特点,探讨一种科学实用的方法对临床护理工作量进行量化。
Welty's works mainly concentrate on the ups and downs of the Southern families and the daily triviality, and she intends to expose the great negative influence the Southern culture deals modern Southerners, which enables her critique of Southern culture to have more realistic significance. 通过对南方家族浮沉及日常琐事的描写,韦尔蒂的作品主要反映了南方传统文化对现代人的消极影响,这使她对南方文化的批判更具现实意义。
David Ray Griffin affirms that there is genuine evil in the world, which is "discord" and "triviality". 格里芬肯定世界中存在着真正的恶,恶是不和谐和琐屑。
However, previous studies on advertising language mainly emphasize the triviality of words and phrases, the rhetoric, and communicative purposes of advertising language. 过去对广告的研究大多是从广告语中的词汇和短语以及修辞和交际目的等角度出发进行的。