The name Wikipedia is a portmanteau of the words wiki ( a type of collaborative website) and encyclopedia. Wikipedia这个名称是由单词wiki(一种协作式站点)和encyclopedia组合而成。
The second name is a portmanteau: Gallo is derived from the Latin word for rooster, gallus, while pavo is the Latin word for peacock. 第二个词是一个混合词:Gallo来源拉丁词公鸡,pavo来源拉丁词孔雀。
I rang the bell, and directed my servant to pack my portmanteau. 我打了铃,吩咐听差把我的旅行皮包收拾好。
These may be called male engagement rings or mengagement rings, which is a portmanteau of "man" and "engagement ring". 这种女方送给男方的订婚戒指叫做男士订婚戒(maleengagementring或者mengagementring),mengagementring是man(男士)和engagementring(订婚戒)两个词的合成形式。
Visceralization is a portmanteau between visceral and visualization. 内在化是一种多功能的介于发自肺腑的和视觉化之间的感觉。
Portmanteau words linking "snow" with "apocalypse" and "armageddon", used to describe the record snowfalls in the US East Coast and Northern Europe last winter. 这个词是用来指在去年年底在美国以及北欧地区遭受的暴风雪袭击。
For those with a grammatical bent, the addition of a conjunction transforms the word strategic from an adjective describing the economic dialogue into a portmanteau adjective describing anything Hillary Clinton damn well wants. 对那些看重语法的人而言,添加一个连词,就把战略从一个描述经济对话的形容词,转变成可以表述希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)渴求的任何东西的一个复合形容词。
There are some worthless articles of clothing in the old portmanteau. 在那口旧皮箱里,放着几件不值钱的衣物。
The official secrets act was described as a piece of portmanteau legislation, covering everything from nuclear weapons to army boots. 《官方保密法》被描述为一个内容庞杂的立法,涵盖了从核武器到军靴的一切东西。
No relation with paralysis or paraplegia is intended, though the word Paralympic was originally a portmanteau combining paraplegic and Olympic. 虽然残奥会的单词是瘫痪和奥运会的合成词,但是与瘫痪或者下肢瘫痪没有直接联系。
There now," said eug nie, while I change my costume do you lock the portmanteau. " “现在,”欧热妮说,“我换衣服,你锁上那只提包。”
"Bromance" is a portmanteau, a combination of the words "brother" and "romance". Bromance这个词是brother(兄弟)和romance(爱情)两个单词的合成词形式。
The word e-tailer is a portmanteau word derived from'electronic'and'retailer ', in a similar way to'e-mail'. E-tailer是electronic和retailer两个词组合而成的,与e-mail这个词的构成方式一样。
Stuffing shirts into his portmanteau. 把衬衣塞进他的旅行箱。
A portmanteau sentence is a sentence which has a hybrid structure from two sentences in different languages. 溶合句是从两种不同语言的句子结构溶合在一起而生成的一种句内语码转换句。
The essay not only analyses the artistic effect of puns, onomatopoeia, neologism, portmanteau and transforming citations, but also explores their functions in the particular context. 文章不仅详细地分析了小说中的双关语、拟声词、杜撰新词、混合词和转换引语等语言现象的艺术效果,而且还深入探讨了它们在特定语境中的作用。
The most difficult part in Finnegans Wake is the self-made words which include portmanteau words, transformed words, combined words and nomenclatures which are used ungrammatically and arbitrarily. 《芬尼根的守灵》中最难的就是乔伊斯自造的词语,包括混成词、变形词、组合词以及以不合语法的方式任意插入的外来词和专有名词。
Generative Mechanism of Portmanteau Sentence 溶合句的生成机制