Delete: To take out letter, figure, word or passage. In proof reading, a symbol is used as the proofreader's mark. 数字表示数的符号或字删除:把字母,数字,词句或段落删去。校对时,用删除符号作标记。
You should visit them if you are looking for a admissions proofreader. 你应该去拜访他们,如果你正在寻找一种招生校对。
Like a good proofreader, it compares a newly copied genome to the original and corrects mistakes. 就像一个好的校对,它比较基因组复制一个新的原始和纠正错误。
Be centre's turn to provide medicine special field SCI thesis translation, proofreader and consultancy service besides. 另外该中心还提供医药专业SCI论文翻译、校对及咨询服务。
His mistake got by the editor but was caught by the proofreader. 他的错误被编辑忽视了但被校对员发现了。
In order to detect the misprints in a single print, the proofreader has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text. ( 37 words) 为了发现稿件中的印刷错误,校对员必须与其说注意所读材料的含义,倒不如说注意文章中字母和单词的确切形状和顺序。
Through ID, the customer, translator ( s), checker, proofreader, editor, typist, typing checker, printer, delivered-by and document path are all traceable. 根据标识可追溯性列用户、译者、校对、审校、编辑、打字、文稿校对、印刷、发运人、存档位置等。
The proofreader queried the spelling of the word. 校对员对这个词的拼写有疑问。
Proofreaders marks: A standard series of symbols used by proofreader to denote errors and the necessary corrections. 校对符号:校对员使用的一组标准符号。用它指示错误和所需的更改。
The proofreader did his best not to let any mistakes get by. 校对员尽力不让任何错误疏漏。
If attention to detail is a quality you consider of utmost importance in a proofreader, then I am the right candidate for the position you are seeking to fill. 如果您认为一个合格的校对员最重要的品质是细心,那么,我正是您在寻找的合适人选。
Nothing escapes the proofreader's eye, but nothing penetrates his bulletproof vest. 什么也逃脱不过校对者的眼睛,可是什么也穿不透他的防弹背心。
She was the copywriter, but the proofing process we had in place involved the product manager as well as a proofreader. 她只不过是文案编写员,较对程序包括生产经理,也是校对者。
Reads 'Incorrect Reading Psychology in University Library and Its Countermeasures Proofreader: An abbreviation for author's alteration. 大学馆读者阅读不良心理探析及对策校对员:阅读稿样的人员。
The proofreader ( s) shall be qualified. 审校人员应具有一定的资质。
Even the most careful proofreader will miss the occasional error. 即使是最仔细的校对者也会偶尔出错。
No proofreader caught the error, but five years later an editor noticed the word had no etymology and began the investigation that led to the word's being banished. 所有的校对人员都没有发现这个错误,但是五年后,一名编辑注意到这个词没有词源,然后他开始溯源并最终将这个词从词典中去除。
The proofreader's copy that had great influence now has the wrong words, lost words and surplus words, the punctuation errors, making main body as remark, and the problems of abridgement, which ran counter to the standard and academic character. 现行影响较大的点校本存在有错字、脱文与衍文、标点之误、正文误作评语、删节等问题,有违古籍整理出版的规范性和学术性。
The author thinks that quality of journal editing and proofreading occupies an important place in external quality system, and the levels of editors and proofreader affect directly the quality of journal. 期刊的编校质量在期刊外在质量系统中占有重要地位,编校水平的高低直接影响期刊的质量。
Some Factors Restricting Proofreader 也谈校对制约因素
These problems are discussed in the hope of improving the quality of the proofreader and publication. 校对人员的责任心、素质及校对技巧,以期有的放矢提高校对质量乃至刊物的质量。
Describes the demands of fundamental diathesis of journal proofreader, analyzes proofreading methods based on the experience of daily work, so efficiently improves proofreading quality of scientific and technical journal. 论述了对期刊校对工作者的基本素质要求,详细分析了日常工作中总结出的校对方法,从而有效地提高科技期刊校对质量。
Intelligent research on multicore cable proofreader methods 多芯电缆对号方法智能化研究
Staring from developing the bar code certificate with students 'messages, the design conditions of the code order, the code length and the proofreader's mark etc. 从开发带有学生信息的条码证件这个应用角度出发,介绍了在研制开发学生证件过程中条码的码制、代码长度和校验符等设计条件的要求;
The task of the executive general proofreader includes: eliminate the errors of proof sheet, discover and correct the oversights of original manuscript, form a unified format and stylesheet of the learned journal. 责任总校对的任务除消灭校样残留的错误外,还要发现和改正原稿中的疏漏,统一整期学报的版式、体例。