Because of this, we were able to easily use the script and re-create the hierarchy. 由于这一点,我们就能够轻松使用脚本并重新创建层级结构。
You can later replay the script to re-create user interactions for a particular scenario. 稍后您可以回放该脚本,以为特定场景重新创建用户交互。
After you drop the products and vendors tables, you re-create them, and the script exits. 在放弃产品和供应商表之后,您重新创建它们,脚本退出。
To reduce contention, DROP and re-CREATE the index using the RANDOM option. 为了减少争用,DROP并使用RANDOM选项重新CREATE索引。
This is true even if you re-create the account using the same name. 即便使用相同的名称重新创建该帐户也不能解决。
You must delete and re-create the RSG to change paths, or move files manually to desired locations. 必须删除并重新创建rsg,才能更改路径或手动将文件移动到所需的位置。
Re-create each user account, making sure to enter the exact case-sensitive user name and PID for each user. 重新创建每一个用户帐户?,并确保为每一用户准确输入了区分大小写的用户名称以及PID。
You can also re-create the key on a regular basis as a security best practice. 作为安全性方面的最佳做法,您还可以定期重新创建密钥。
You may also have to re-create relationships or logical primary keys. 您还可能必须重新创建关系或逻辑主键。
Full-text catalog '% ls' is in a unusable state. Drop and re-create this full-text catalog. 全文目录''%1!''处于不可使用的状态。请除去并重新创建此全文目录。
You cannot use the following procedure to re-create a sample database that has been deleted. 不能用以下过程重新创建已删除的示例数据库。
But why re-create the brain in software when we already have it in wetware? 为什么我们有了湿件(即人脑)还要再造软件的人脑?
If the parent program can ′ t open the file, you probably need to re-create the file. 如果父程序无法打开该文件,则可能需要重新创建该文件。
She also taught readers how to re-create the food. 她还教读者如何对食物进行再创造。
Index does not match the table. Delete the index file and re-create the index. 索引与表不匹配。请删除该索引文件然后重建索引。
You can use this report to re-create your workgroup? file. 也可用此报表重新创建工作组?文件。
You will have to re-create them if you want to use them again. 如果要重新使用它们,则必须重新创建它们。
The problem with services is that you have to re-create your work if you want to get paid again. 服务行业的问题在于如果你想再次获利就必须再度劳动。
Cannot re-create index on this table. 无法在此表上重新创建索引。
This action forces the server to re-create the search index catalog. 此操作将强制服务器重新创建搜索索引编录。
Some men still try and re-create their traditional, patriarchal role. 有些男人仍试图重新恢复其传统的家长角色。
If you have to re-create the workgroup information file, you must supply exactly the same name, organization, and workgroup ID. 如果要重新创建工作组信息文件,必须使用相同的名称、组织和工作组ID。
That makes it possible to re-create who we are in each new moment. 这使得我们有可能在每一个崭新的片刻里重新创造自我。
If the server that experienced the disaster included any exchange full-text indexes, you might have to re-create the full-text indexes on the server that you want to restore. 如果遇到灾难的服务器包括了任何exchange全文索引,则可能必须在想要还原的服务器上重新创建全文索引。
So you canfaithfully re-create almost any legendary sound. 所以你可以重新创造几乎任何经典的声音。
Information in the Mail account is invalid or missing. Please remove and re-create the account. 邮件帐号的信息无效或丢失,请删除并重建帐号。
This is to re-create the crime scene through photos. 这是为了重新建立犯罪现场,透过照片。
Repair after winding, it must re-create a new mask sets and the closure plate. 修复绕组后,又必须重新制作新的屏蔽套和封板。
So I insight the drawing, painting and photography form, and people could manually re-create the beauty of natural scenery, which made the stunning work. 由此我见识到了以素描、绘画和摄影的形式,人们可以用手再创造自然风景的美,得到令人叹为观止的作品。