
英 [ˌriːˈtəʊld] 美 [ˌriːˈtoʊld]

v.  (通常以不同的方式)复述,重新讲述




  1. Retold is the past tense and past participle of retell.


    1. It is a tale which has often been retold within West Indian literature.
    2. Both stories are often retold as people gather under the autumn moon, feasting on moon cakes and sipping fine tea.
    3. Then they lived happily and conservatively until their country was taken over by Brussels and swamped by immigrants. This story of paradise lost gets retold at every British election.
    4. The story of Ip Man, much like American comic-book tales such as 'X-Men' and 'Batman,' has been told and retold on film in recent years.
    5. Bible stories simply retold include: Jesus is born in Bethlehem, The story of two houses, Jesus meets Mary on Easter day, Boats full of fish, A man comes through the roof.
    6. Who but Italo Calvino could have selected two hundred of Italy's traditional folktales and retold them so wondrously?
    7. It is told and retold every year to young children in schools as Thanksgiving Day approaches.
    8. More visitors came, and the story had to be told and retold for a couple of hours more.
    9. Shis shuo Xin YU ( New Stories Retold) was compiled in LIU Song Dynasty in the South Dynasties when Buddhism was rising up from the border culture to the mainstream culture.
    10. Superimposed her own interpretation when she retold the story.
    11. According to an old Chinese folk tale, here amusingly retold for young readers what happened.
    12. After approximate a week, I retold this thing to ma.
    13. In Hollywood, history has a habit of repeating itself, often to the great annoyance of audiences, with plots and stories recycled and retold.
    14. Rethought On Old Tales Retold's "Characteristics of Post-modernism"
    15. In a folktale that has been retold for centuries in many variations ( one of which is Shakespeare's King Lear), an elderly king asks his three daughters how much they love him.
    16. Stated in F& SF as being retold from the Sir Richard Burton translation in "A Thousand Nights and a Night".
    17. Old Tales Retold displays its aesthetical force with cynical allegory. Besides, these images also reveal some of the poet's bitter life experiences and cynical emotions.
    18. Old Tales Retold is always called "the new historical novel" by the researcher.
    19. His recreation of the ancient myths, legends and historical romances is the very unique point of the literary form employed in the Old Tales Retold.
    20. Old Tales Retold and China's New Historical Novels
    21. A Comprehensive Report of the Studies of Old Tales Retold in the Past Ten Years
    22. Lu Xun's Old Tales Retold, whose original materials are based on the ancient mythologies, legends and history, is just the result of re-combing and interpreting the traditional culture.
    23. However, from different religious and political needs in different historical periods, Osiris Myth was constantly retold and interpreted forming today we known Osiris Myth version.
    24. The body part consists of three chapters. In the aspects of the characterization, text structure and the style, this part approaches the collage art characteristics of "Old Tales Retold", explores and grasps the hybridity characteristics of" Old Tales Retold ".
    25. From "the mythic age" to "the hero age" and then to "Pre-qin times", Old Tales Retold showing the human how to know the world, explaining the world and transform the world.
    26. In "Old Tales Retold", Lu Xun had expanded the horizons of" take a variety people "from ancient to modern, the patchwork technique was more free, the collage traces more obvious.
    27. Then, how to solve the constant controversy, and how to realize the better interpretation of this work, which are the thorny problems needed to solved quickly placed in front of each researchers who study "Old Tales Retold".
    28. The author believes that, a big reason of the controversial is the hybridity characteristics of "Old Tales Retold".
    29. Consequently, it is useful for deciphering texts better and settling reasonably to respect and deeply and carefully explore the hybridity characteristics of "Old Tales Retold".
    30. As Scott retold the living history of the Scots 'ethnic group, he tried hard to observe historical accuracy, and used his imagination to create some details to plot the historical facts.