
网络  严谨性; 严谨; 严厉; 严密性


  1. There are currently many debates concerning the rigorousness of cosmetic advertisement languages.
  2. Thus proposed clinically in on both has had to respect its group of sides rigorousness, and did not rigidly adhere to the article limits, had to know Chang Dabian, nimble utilization.
  3. The international article, FIDIC, has the characteristics of rigorousness, fairness, and efficiency. It is of great significance to the project management of capital construction of China, which is now under the situation of economic globalization.
  4. Guided by modern drama theories, his plays are moralizing in nature, which is characteristic of realism, plebification in contents, and anti-feudalism in themes, and rigorousness in style.
  5. Among the probabilistic approaches, Pearl's belief network is the most representative, due to its rigorousness and consistence in theory, the efficient local computation mechanism and intuitive graphical expression of knowledge.
  6. The rigorousness of the world's unemployment situation poses the problem of establishing a scientific labor force market index system and of collecting data of, monitoring and managing the labor force market in front of all countries.
  7. Among of uncertainty knowledge representation and reasoning models based on probability theory, belief network model is representative, due to its rigorousness and consistence in theory, the efficient computation mechanism and intuitive graphical expression of knowledge.
  8. This thesis treats of the specific requirements concerning it in three aspects, namely, rigorousness, effective expression and style to show the hardships involved in this profession.
  9. There are two reasons: ( 1) the traffic data used in analysis is variable; ( 2) the analysis method used, or the rigorousness of applying the same one, is different.
  10. Fuzziness does not weaken the accuracy and rigorousness of the law; instead, it is a supplement of the law and has its own distinct effect.
  11. The period of the spring and autumn and the warring states is one changing period in the history of China, in which the neo-etiquette was born and the old etiquette was destroyed, appears an incredible changing from the loose to the rigorousness.
  12. After all, accurate terms and blurred terms in language is the same contradictious different two aspect, if ambiguous legal terms are not prudently used, then legal concept is probably mixed up and the law rigorousness and accurate are undermininged.
  13. Market management has the characteristics of government dominating, mandatory and rigorousness.
  14. He is famous for the rigorousness and completeness of his philosophical system. In his seeking truth, the art is finally substituted by the philosophy.
  15. The agreement is a legally binding official document, with a high degree of seriousness and rigorousness. It has its own unique word characteristics, sentence features, translation principles and methods.
  16. Considering rigorousness, this paper constructs the structural equation model to consider fitting degree of index model, index of the desirability and influence degree. The inspection result shows that it is feasible.



  1. excessive sternness
    1. severity of character
    2. the harshness of his punishment was inhuman
    3. the rigors of boot camp

    Synonym:    severityseverenessharshnessrigorrigourrigourousnessinclemencyhardnessstiffness

  2. something hard to endure
    1. the asperity of northern winters

    Synonym:    asperitygrimnesshardshiprigorrigourseverityseverenessrigourousness