This had once been the greatest port in the world, now it was a graveyard of rusting cranes. 这里一度是全球最大的港口,现在堆满了锈迹斑斑的吊车。
There was an old rusting bolt on the door. 门上有一个生锈的旧门闩。
Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf. 巨大的一圈圈的带刺铁丝网在海浪中生锈。
But regular cleaning will keep the metal from rusting. 但定期的清洁能使金属免于生锈。
The red colour we see in images of Mars is just the result of iron rusting. 我们看到的红色火星图像只是铁生锈的结果。
This will clean the blade, stave off rusting, and add weeks of shaving life. 这将会清洁刀片、防止生锈,延长几周使用寿命。
It is extremely easy to clean and you will never have to worry about this unit rusting on you. 这是非常容易乾净,你将再也不用担心这个单元生锈你。
The body of valves is printed by powdered epoxy, can be prevent the corrosion and rusting, can be used to sewage system. 阀体采用粉体环氧树脂涂装,角阀可防止阀体的腐蚀及生锈,并可用于污水系统。
The structural cables are no more or less susceptible to rusting than other steel products. 结构钢索对于锈蚀的反应也与其他的钢材产品相同。
This paper analyzes damage and causation of heating-supply network rusting and puts forward prevention measures of outer and inner rusting. 分析供热管网腐蚀的危害性和产生腐蚀的原因,对供热管内部腐蚀和外部腐蚀分别提出防护措施。
We offer a10-year guarantee against rusting. 我们提供十年不生锈的保证。
The ploughs were not in use and were rusting away. 这些犁废弃不用,正慢慢生锈腐蚀。
Problem is, its nations phone system is a rusting antique that dates from the 1930s. 问题是,其国内的电话系统是一堆生了锈的20世纪30年代的老古董。
Rusting is a slow process. 生锈是个缓慢的过程。
I saw that rusting bulkheads and decaying decks had given way during the winter. 我看见生锈的舱壁和朽坏的舱面已在冬季坍塌。
There's a lot of old metal rusting in the garden. 花园里有许多旧金属生锈了。
Test method for evaluating degree of rusting on painted steel surface 涂漆钢表面锈蚀程度评价的标准试验方法
What if your hinges all are rusting? 万一你的链子全生锈了呢?
Thin sheet iron or steel coated with tin to prevent rusting; used especially for cans and pots. 外表涂锡以防生锈的薄铁片或钢片;在罐头或陶器中尤其常用。
Automobile Industry: Used in a variety of anti-corrosive paints applied to car ´ s bodywork to prevent rusting. 汽车行业:广泛用作防腐性的涂漆用于车身,防止锈蚀。
Apply grease periodically between piston and cylinder, and between other moving parts to avoid failure and unstable operation performance in the safety valve due to sticking or rusting. 定期在活塞与缸套间及其他活动件之间涂润滑脂,以防粘结、锈蚀而造成安全阀失灵和工作性能不稳定。
Better wearing out than rusting out. 宁可用坏,勿使锈坏。
No further development of any rusting is acceptable. 不得接受任何锈蚀发展。
Buried somewhere in deep grass there is a rusting lawn mower which I have promised to repair one day. 深草丛中的某个地方有一台正在生锈的割草机,那就是我曾答应某日要修理的割草机。
The theftproof bolt pair is integrally plated with nickel so as to effectively control the rusting phenomenon, and saves more cost than a pure stainless steel bolt. 本实用新型防盗螺栓副通体镀镍,有效的控制生锈现象,亦比使用纯不锈钢螺栓更节约成本。
A suit of armor imbued with this property never tarnishes and is immune to acid damage and rusting effects. 一套带有这种属性的铠甲永远不会失去光泽,并且免疫酸腐伤害和锈蚀效果。
Not containing chlorine and effective prevent metal parts and moulds from rusting. 不含氯化物添加剂,不会引致工件及模具生锈。
But parts of the global hub are rusting badly. 但这个全球中心在诸多方面都已破败不堪。
Even cars that were mechanically sound started rusting. 甚至机械性能方面并无问题的车子也开始生锈。
Keep the hydraulic pipes clean and check for rusting. 应保持各液压杆的清洁,防止生锈;