
网络  暧昧


  1. Been love, been mistake, simply because shouldn't so vagueness, shadiness only let you suffer all kinds of chagrin.
  2. It is one of the approaches to reveal the history of forepart Qin to identify the credit and shadiness of the tales.
  3. His record of public service is untouched by any stain of shadiness or sleaze ( James J.Kilpatrick)
  4. The breakthrough in the detection always chooses the special parts, change parts, detail, shadiness, feint, deregulation and superabundance of the criminal cases.
  5. This system can detect known computer virus and can analysis and judge shadiness program, diagnose which kind of computer virus is infected.
  6. It keeps updating the status of the students 'mastering degree of field knowledge points based on the shadiness factor and certainty factor among various knowledge points.
  7. Formaldehyde is a shadiness carcinogen by WHO also. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct the investigation of formaldehyde pollution in indoor air and to have the experiment on decontaminating the formaldehyde pollution.
  8. Then the data are preprocessed so that the moving targets and shadiness dots are reserved, and the fixing and faking targets dots are deleted as more as possible;



  1. of questionable honesty or legality
    1. they acted with such obvious shadiness that they were instantly recognizable
    2. the shadiness of their transactions

  2. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body
    1. it is much cooler in the shade
    2. there's too much shadiness to take good photographs

    Synonym:    shadeshadowiness