
英 [ʃeɪd] 美 [ʃeɪd]

n.  阴凉处; 背阴; (树)荫; 灯罩; 浓淡深浅; 色度
v.  给…遮挡(光线); 加灯罩; 把…涂暗; 画阴影



Oxford 3000 / Collins.3 / BNC.3205 / COCA.2984



    背阴 out of sun

  1. 阴凉处;背阴;(树)荫
    an area that is dark and cool under or behind sth, for example a tree or building, because the sun's light does not get to it
    1. We sat down in the shade of the wall.
    2. The temperature can reach 40˚C in the shade .
    3. The trees provide shade for the animals in the summer.
  2. 灯等 on lamp, etc.

  3. 灯罩
    a thing that you use to prevent light from coming through or to make it less bright
    1. I bought a new shade for the lamp.
    2. an eyeshade
  4. 窗户 on window

    窗户 on window

    色彩 of colour

  5. 浓淡深浅;色度
    a particular form of a colour, that is, how dark or light it is
    1. a delicate/pale/rich/soft shade of red
      淡 / 浅 / 艳 / 柔和的红色
  6. 绘画 in picture

  7. 暗部;阴影部分
    the dark areas in a picture, especially the use of these to produce variety
    1. The painting needs more light and shade .
  8. 看法;感觉 of opinion/feeling

  9. 差别;不同
    a different kind or level of opinion, feeling, etc.
    1. politicians of all shades of opinion
    2. The word has many shades of meaning.
  10. 略微 slightly

  11. 一点;略微
    a little; slightly
    1. He was feeling a shade disappointed.
  12. 眼睛 for eyes

    眼睛 for eyes

    唤起回忆的事物 sth that reminds you

  13. (人物、事情、时间的)痕迹,影子,遗风
    used when you are referring to things that remind you of a particular person, thing or time
    1. short skirts and long boots─shades of the 1960s
  14. 鬼魂 ghost

  15. 阴魂;幽灵;鬼
    the spirit of a dead person; a ghost


      直射光线 from direct light

    1. 给…遮挡(光线)
      to prevent direct light from reaching sth
      1. The courtyard was shaded by high trees.
      2. She shaded her eyes against the sun.
    2. 灯 lamp

    3. 加灯罩
      to provide a screen for a lamp, light, etc. to make it less bright
      1. a shaded lamp
    4. 图画的部分 part of picture

    5. 把…涂暗;画阴影
      to make a part of a drawing, etc. darker, for example with an area of colour or with pencil lines
      1. What do the shaded areas on the map represent?
      2. I'm going to shade this part in.
    6. 险胜 just win

    7. 险胜
      to just win a contest


      1. N-COUNT (色彩的)浓淡,深浅,色度
        A shade of a particular colour is one of its different forms. For example, emerald green and olive green are shades of green.
        1. In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray...
        2. The walls were painted in two shades of green.
        3. eyeshadows in a choice of 80 shades.
          有 80 种色彩的新款眼影
      2. N-UNCOUNT 阴凉处;背阴;(树)阴
        Shade is an area of darkness under or next to an object such as a tree, where sunlight does not reach.
        1. Temperatures in the shade can reach forty-eight degrees celsius at this time of year...
          一年中的这个时间,背阴处的温度可达到 48 摄氏度。
        2. Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.
        3. ...exotic trees provide welcome shade.
      3. VERB 给…遮挡(光线);荫蔽
        If you say that a place or person is shaded by objects such as trees, you mean that the place or person cannot be reached, harmed, or bothered by strong sunlight because those objects are in the way.
        1. ...a health resort whose beaches are shaded by palm trees...
        2. Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct, hot sunlight...
        3. Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes along winding cobblestone streets.
      4. VERB (为避免强光照射而)遮挡,遮住(眼睛)
        If you shade your eyes, you put your hand or an object partly in front of your face in order to prevent a bright light from shining into your eyes.
        1. You can't look directly into it; you've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether...
        2. I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.
      5. N-UNCOUNT (绘画的)暗部,阴影部分
        Shade is darkness or shadows as they are shown in a picture.
        1. ...Rembrandt's skilful use of light and shade to create the atmosphere of movement.
      6. N-COUNT (抽象事物的)细微差别,不同方面
        The shades of something abstract are its many, slightly different forms.
        1. ...the capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning.
        2. ...literally dozens of newspapers of every shade of opinion.
      7. VERB 逐渐变成;渐渐与…分辨不清
        If something shades into something else, there is no clear division between the two things, so that you cannot tell where or when the first thing ends and the second thing begins.
        1. As the dusk shaded into night, we drove slowly through narrow alleys...
        2. The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.
      8. 太阳镜;墨镜
        Shades are sunglasses .
        1. 同 lampshade
          A shade is the same as a lampshade .
          1. N-COUNT 窗帘;卷帘
            A shade is a piece of stiff cloth or heavy paper that you can pull down over a window as a covering.
            1. Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.
          2. in BRIT, use 英国英语用 blind

          3. N-COUNT 魂灵;幽灵
            The shade of a dead person is their spirit, which is thought to be still alive in some way and in contact with the real world.
            1. His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.
          4. See also: shaded shading
          5. PHRASE 有点;略微
            If you say that something is, for example, a shade unusual or a shade disappointing, you mean that it is slightly unusual or disappointing.
            1. The first two goals were a shade fortunate...
            2. He found her charming, but perhaps just a shade too ingenuous for him...
            3. The South is now only a shade behind the rest of the affluent United States.
          6. PHRASE (演出等的)富于变化,多层次
            If you say that there is light and shade in something such as a performance, you mean you like it because different parts of it are different in tone or mood.
            1. ...a faltering, artless voice that is pleasant enough, if rather lacking in light and shade.
          7. PHRASE 使黯然失色;使相形见绌
            To put someone or something in the shade means to be so impressive that the person or thing seems unimportant by comparison.
            1. ...a run that put every other hurdler's performance in the shade.
          8. Take care not to confuse shade and shadow
            注意不要混淆 shade 和 shadow。


          1. Dr Sinclair's affirmative nod seemed a shade reluctant.
          2. You can open the slats for a bright light or angle them for more shade
          3. The only shade was under the body of the plane.
          4. Sometimes I carry a book out under the pear trees and sit in the dappled shade
          5. They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.
          6. Light filtered into my kitchen through the soft, green shade of the cherry tree.
          7. But TV images require subtle gradations of light and shade.
          8. They used the swimming-pool, rode, lazed in the deep shade of the oaks in the heat of the day.
          9. They ate and drank and lounged in the shade
          10. In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray
          11. The walls were painted in two shades of green.
          12. Alexis walked up the coast, and resumed his reading in the shade of an overhanging cliff.
          13. Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct, hot sunlight
          14. Umbrellas shade outdoor cafes along winding cobblestone streets.
          15. You can't look directly into it; you've got to shade your eyes or close them altogether
          16. I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.
          17. The tail feathers are dark blue at their bases, shading to pale blue at their tips.
          18. Nancy left the shades down and the lights off.
          19. His writing benefits from the shade of Lincoln hovering over his shoulder.
          20. The first two goals were a shade fortunate
          21. He found her charming, but perhaps just a shade too ingenuous for him
          22. I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists, then I wouldn't have got burned
          23. The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade
          24. I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light.
          25. Peony casts the other flowers into the shade.
          26. Don't cut down the tree that gives you shade.
          27. The trees give welcome shade.
          28. Leafy trees cast shade.
          29. What a pleasant shade these trees give us!
          30. This kind of silk clothing should be dried in the shade.


            shade shadow【导航词义:阴影】

            shade n. 阴凉处,背阴处


          Let's sit in the shade and keep cool.
          These trees supply shade in the summer.
          Perhaps they are in the shade.

            shadow n. 影子,阴影


          The trees throw their shadows on the lake.
          Suddenly, she saw the shadow of a man in the window.
          He hid in the shadow of the archway.


          shade into sth

          1. (界线模糊地)渐变
            to change gradually into sth else, so that you cannot tell where one thing ends and the other thing begins



              put sb/sth in the shade

            • 使(某人或事物)黯然失色;使相形见绌
              to be much better or more impressive than sb/sth
              1. I tried hard but her work put mine in the shade.



            1. protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight
              1. they used umbrellas as shades
              2. as the sun moved he readjusted the shade

            2. a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)

              1. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color
                1. after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted

                Synonym:    tinttincturetone

              2. a mental representation of some haunting experience
                1. he looked like he had seen a ghost
                2. it aroused specters from his past

                Synonym:    ghostspookwraithspecterspectre

              3. a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude
                1. without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor
                2. don't argue about shades of meaning

                Synonym:    nuancenicetysubtletyrefinement

              4. a slight amount or degree of difference
                1. a tad too expensive
                2. not a tad of difference
                3. the new model is a shade better than the old one

                Synonym:    tad

              5. a position of relative inferiority
                1. an achievement that puts everything else in the shade
                2. his brother's success left him in the shade

              6. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body
                1. it is much cooler in the shade
                2. there's too much shadiness to take good photographs

                Synonym:    shadinessshadowiness


              1. pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree
                1. the butterfly wings shade to yellow

              2. vary slightly
                1. shade the meaning

              3. protect from light, heat, or view
                1. Shade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight

              4. represent the effect of shade or shadow on

                  Synonym:    fill in

                1. cast a shadow over

                    Synonym:    shadowshade off