I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support 我踉踉跄跄地,不得不抓住一把椅子稳住自己。
Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged. 回头一想,我惊异地发现这一切的安排竟是如此简单。
Alan staggered sideways, pitched head-first over the low wall and fell into the lake 艾伦身子倒向一侧,一头栽过矮墙,跌进了湖里。
He staggered around the playground, screaming in agony 他绕着运动场跌跌撞撞地走着,并且痛苦地大叫。
He lost his balance, staggered back against the rail and toppled over 他失去平衡,往后趔趄了一下,撞到栏杆摔倒了。
During the past few years the government has staggered the summer vacation periods for students. 在过去几年里,政府将学生放暑假的时间相互错开。
I struggled into a bathrobe and staggered down the stairs. 我挣扎着穿上浴衣,踉跄地下了楼。
He staggered on the uneven surface of the car park 他摇摇晃晃地行走在停车场凹凸不平的地面上。
The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up 男孩站立不稳,并且起身后四下走动时步子踉跄。
They staggered in a zigzag across the tarmac. 他们深一脚浅一脚,跌跌撞撞地穿过停机坪。
He heaved the heavy box and staggered off, puffing and blowing from the strain. 他扛起那只沉重的箱子,吭哧吭哧地走了。
The drunkard staggered along the street. 那醉汉趔趄着走在街上。
The drunk staggered away. 醉汉哩溜歪斜地走了。
The drunk man staggered along ( the road). 醉汉踉踉跄跄地走着。
He staggered out of the house. 他跌跌撞撞地出了门。
He staggered into the room. 他趔趄着走进屋来。
Eg. for a moment I staggered at the price. 我听了价钱迟疑了一会儿。
As we went into the bar, a drunken man staggered out of the door. 当我们走进酒吧时,一个醉汉趔趄着走出了门。
This could be the shape of the ceiling fan can also be curved, or staggered from. 这种天花板的形状可以是扇形,也可以是弧形,或者交错而成。
He staggered, and supported himself against the wainscot. 他踉跄了一下,靠在壁板上。
He gave her a light push, and she staggered backwards. 他轻轻地推了她一下,她向后趔趄了一下。
He staggered and fell headlong. 他一个趔趄,摔了个倒栽葱。
Barely able to stand, John staggered into the room. 约翰摇摇晃晃地进了房间,几乎都站不住了。
He staggered back, and fell to his knees. 他往后摇晃了一下,跪了下来。
Oh, god, it is enough.@ he staggered, and sank to his knees. “哦,上帝,这就足够了。”他一个踉跄跪了下来。
They staggered their church-going hours. 他们错开了上教堂的时间。
Suddenly he staggered and fell unconscious. 突然间他摇晃了一下,跌倒在地,人事不省。
I staggered to the nearest chair. 我摇摇晃晃地走向最近的椅子。
When I staggered with reality, only to find love becomes empty! 当我与现实交错,才发现爱变空了!
The linear modes of spatial reinforced concrete staggered vierendeel truss are analyzed by finite element software. 利用有限元分析软件,对空间钢筋混凝土交错空腹桁架结构进行线性模态分析。