People are stockpiling food for the coming winter. 人们正在为即将到来的冬天贮备大量食物。
The absence of any reference to cotton reserves in a policy document that spoke of the continued stockpiling of wheat, rice, corn, rapeseed and sugar points to the quiet abandonment of the cotton hoarding programme. 这份政策性文件中提到了对小麦、稻谷、玉米、油菜籽和食糖的继续储备,却没有提到任何有关棉花储备的内容,这表明中国正在悄然放弃棉花储备计划。
Setiogi learned that people had started stockpiling salt in China. Setiogi了解到,在中国的人们开始囤积食盐。
For various reasons, most domestic enterprises to adopt the gypsum is calcium carbide treatment methods for stockpiling. 出于多种原因,国内大多数企业采用的是对炭化钙石膏进行堆存处理的方法。
Terrorist groups are believed to be stockpiling weapons. 据信恐怖主义集团在囤积武器。
International oil price remains high level, stockpiling of some commodities increases and hence ties up funds; 国际石油价格高位运行,国内有的商品库存增加和部分资金占压;
Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological ( Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction 关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约
The criminal negligence in not stockpiling food. 过失犯罪,没能储存粮食。
China is also signatory to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. 中国签署了《关于禁止发展、产、存和使用化学武器及销毁此种武器的公约》。
There's evidence that this computer program already exists in some form or another and is currently stockpiling resources and an army to ensure that it wins this war. 有证据表明这个电脑程序已经以一种形式存在并且正在储备资源和一支部队,来确保它赢得这场战争。
Is this as important as stockpiling antibiotics or buying vaccines? 这不比储存抗生素或购买疫苗重要吗?
US money market funds are stockpiling cash in case Congress fails to raise the debt ceiling, distorting the short-term market for US government debt and raising borrowing costs for banks and other financial institutions. 为了应对美国国会未能提高债务上限的情况,美国的货币市场基金正在大量筹集现金。这扭曲了美国政府债务的短期市场表现,提高了银行和其他金融机构的举债成本。
Chinese demand for commodities has boomed in recent months, the result of public investment in infrastructure and stockpiling, which has meant a strong rebound in imports in the second and third quarter from Latin America and Africa. 近月来,由于基建工程公共投资和囤积库存的因素,中国对大宗商品的需求增长迅猛,这意味着第二和第三季度从拉丁美洲和非洲的进口强劲反弹。
He told New Scientist that stockpiling just one drug would encourage resistance. 他告诉《新科学家》说,只储备一种药物将鼓励耐药性。
Japan is already stockpiling obscure metals. 日本已开始储备稀有金属。
The superpowers are stockpiling bacteriological and biological weapons. 超级大国在储备细菌武器和生物武器。
The convention bans the stockpiling of biological weapons. 该公约禁止储存生物武器。
That includes stockpiling of face masks and drugs, as well as some additional supplies and production contracts for vaccines. 这包括储备口罩和药物,并签订额外的疫苗供给与生产合约。
Stockpiling dairy products is expensive and quality is difficult to maintain. 贮存乳制品的开销很大,质量也难于保持。
Events in the Middle East and the anticipation of higher oil prices in future will further accelerate the stockpiling. 中东事件以及有关未来油价会更高的预期,将进一步加快囤积行为。
Chapter 7 looks at attempts to coordinate stockpiling policies internationally. 第七章将论讨国际上协调库存政策的尝试。
Suppose that a country with an excessive large current account surplus decides to reduce it by importing and stockpiling a larger amount of commodities. This would lower the current account surplus without having much impact on the trade imbalances. 假设一个拥有巨额经常账户盈余的国家决定通过进口和囤积大量大宗商品来降低盈余,这会降低经常账户盈余,对贸易失衡却没有多大影响。
Besides strong economic growth in emerging countries, low interest rates which encouraged stockpiling and a weaker US dollar also contributed to the price rebound. 除了新兴国家强劲的经济增长以外,低利率(这鼓励了库存活动)和美元贬值,也助长了大宗商品价格反弹。
Strategic and critical material stockpiling act; 战略和重要物资储存法;
Prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of radiological weapons; 禁止发展、生产、储存和使用放射性武器;
Why have so many unmarketable products been stockpiling in every province and city? 现在每个省市都积压了许多不对路的产品,为什么?
Fears of a shortage caused stockpiling, driving prices to unsustainable levels. 对短缺的担忧引发囤积,将价格抬高到了难以维系的水平。
Complete and effective prohibition of the development, production and stockpiling of chemical weapons 彻底有效禁止化学武器的发展、生产和储存
A convertion banning the development, production and stockpiling of biological weapons. 禁止发展、生产和贮存生物武器的大会。