
英 [ˈstrɪŋɪŋ] 美 [ˈstrɪŋɪŋ]

v.  悬挂; 系; 扎; 用线(或细绳等)串,把…连在一起; 给…装弦



  1. N-VAR 细绳;线
    String is thin rope made of twisted threads, used for tying things together or tying up parcels.
    1. He held out a small bag tied with string.
    2. ...a shiny metallic coin on a string.
  2. N-COUNT 一串
    A string of things is a number of them on a piece of string, thread, or wire.
    1. She wore a string of pearls around her neck.
    2. ...a string of fairy lights.
  3. N-COUNT 一行;一列;一排
    A string of places or objects is a number of them that form a line.
    1. The landscape is broken only by a string of villages...
    2. A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.
      5 只划艇排成一行从对岸出发了。
  4. N-COUNT 一系列,一连串(类似事件)
    A string of similar events is a series of them that happen one after the other.
    1. The incident was the latest in a string of attacks...
    2. Between 1940 and 1943 he had a string of 62 consecutive victories.
      他在 1940 年至 1943 年间连续 62 次获胜。
  5. N-COUNT (乐器的)弦
    The strings on a musical instrument such as a violin or guitar are the thin pieces of wire or nylon stretched across it that make sounds when the instrument is played.
    1. He went off to change a guitar string.
    2. ...a twenty-one-string harp.
      21 弦的竖琴
  6. N-PLURAL (管弦乐团的)弦乐器,弦乐器组
    The strings are the section of an orchestra which consists of stringed instruments played with a bow.
    1. The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist...
    2. There was a 20-member string section.
      有一个 20 人组成的弦乐器组。
  7. (计算机技术中的)字符串,信息串
    In computing, a string is a particular series of letters, numbers, symbols, or spaces, for example a word or phrase that you want to search for in a document.
    1. VERB 悬挂;系;扎
      If you string something somewhere, you hang it up between two or more objects.
      1. He had strung a banner across the wall.
      2. String up means the same as string .
        string up 同 string
      3. People were stringing up decorations on the fronts of their homes.
    2. See also: highly strung purse strings second string strung out
    3. PHRASE 另有一手;两手准备
      If someone has more than one string to their bow, they have more than one ability or thing they can use if the first one they try is not successful.
      1. I'm never out of work because I have so many strings to my bow.
    4. PHRASE 不带附加条件;无任何限制
      If something is offered to you with no strings attached or with no strings, it is offered without any special conditions.
      1. Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.
      2. grants that last for five years.
        为期5 年的无附加条件的援助赠款
    5. PHRASE 拉关系;走后门
      If you pull strings, you use your influence with other people in order to get something done, often unfairly.
      1. Tony is sure he can pull a few strings and get you in.
    6. apron strings → see: apron


    1. In the old days, you created a network by stringing an Ethernet cable between different computers and network devices.
    2. The first of these to send a request in XML requires you to format your request as XML, either using an API to do so or just stringing together the text, and then sending the result to a server.
    3. Trouble struck when they were stringing the heavy cable from one tower to the other.
    4. Or are you simply stringing a couple of words together just to fill a gap?
    5. Fault Analysis and Treatment on Hydraulic System for Home-made One-drag-four Tension Stringing
    6. We dry herbs by stringing them from rafters in the barn.
    7. As the development of power grid construction, stringing over live lines is imperative.
    8. A necklace made by a stringing objects together.
    9. During transmission line construction, sag observation is an important control item of stringing.
    10. During the stringing of overhead line conductors, only the percentage sag tolerance is usually given.
    11. That young man has been stringing Roise along for years because he carries or going out with other girls.
    12. Chinese never allows consonants to run together while English is very liberal and generous in stringing them together.
    13. Effects of Slot Bottom Size on Stringing Pulley Friction Coefficient and Conductor Abrasion
    14. The children sat on the floor stringing beads.
    15. In UHV overhead line stringing, hydraulic driven combined multi-function stringing cart is used in spacer installation of six-or eight-bundle conductors to improve efficiency and safety.
    16. They are stringing along him by offering him occasional favours.
    17. Charlie, you've been stringing them along for months now.
    18. When he ran off with another woman, she realized that he was just stringing her along.
    19. The soldiers were stringing over the beach.
    20. She's just stringing you along-she won't marry you.
    21. Be careful to install batteries in series. a necklace made by a stringing objects together.
    22. Timely investigation with the way of stringing and connection is an effective measure.
    23. Don't believe their loyalty, they're just stringing along.
    24. Research and Application for One-drag-eight Tension Stringing Technology on Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line
    25. I have spent my days in stringing and in unstringing my instrument.
    26. I've always had trouble stringing my violin.
    27. The older workers always enjoy stringing the newcomers with stories about the director's hot temper.
    28. The child is stringing beads.
    29. Cynicism gives way to the celebration when carefully preparing holiday sweets or stringing colorful lights around the entrance to your home.
    30. The scientists assembled the synthetic genome by stringing together chemicals that are the building blocks of dna.