
英 [ˈtensɪŋ] 美 [ˈtensɪŋ]

v.  (使肌肉)拉紧,绷紧



  1. ADJ-GRADED (局势、时期)令人紧张的,让人焦虑的
    A tense situation or period of time is one that makes people anxious, because they do not know what is going to happen next.
    1. This gesture of goodwill did little to improve the tense atmosphere at the talks...
    2. After three very tense weeks he phoned again...
      过了紧张不安的 3 个星期,他又一次打来电话。
    3. There was a tense silence.
  2. ADJ-GRADED 紧张的;焦虑的;无法放松的
    If you are tense, you are anxious and nervous and cannot relax.
    1. Dart, who had at first been very tense, at last relaxed.
  3. ADJ-GRADED (肌肉)紧张的,绷紧的
    If your body is tense, your muscles are tight and not relaxed.
    1. She lay, eyes shut, body tense...
    2. A bath can relax tense muscles.
  4. V-ERG (使)(肌肉)紧张,绷紧
    If your muscles tense, if you tense, or if you tense your muscles, your muscles become tight and stiff, often because you are anxious or frightened.
    1. Newman's stomach muscles tensed...
    2. He tensed as the big West Indian gripped his shoulder...
    3. Jane tensed her muscles to stop them from shaking.
    4. Tense up means the same as tense .
      tense up 同 tense
    5. When we are under stress our bodies tend to tense up...
    6. I tried not to tense up, or become obviously wary...
    7. Tense up the muscles in both of your legs.
  5. N-COUNT (动词的)时,时态
    The tense of a verb group is its form, which usually shows whether you are referring to past, present, or future time.
    1. It was as though Corinne was already dead: they were speaking of her in the past tense.


  1. Physically, the body responds to stress by secreting hormones into the bloodstream that spur accelerated heart rate and breathing and tensing of muscles.
  2. This technique requires you to focus on tensing and relaxing a specific muscle group.
  3. Reverse Drift and Restraining of Centre-wavelength Reflected by Tensing fiber Bragg Grating
  4. Progressive Muscle Relaxation ( PMR) involves tensing up a group of muscles until they're tightly contracted, then releasing them.
  5. Isometric exercises involve nothing more than tensing a muscle and holding it.
  6. The redundant points are eliminated using the tensing method and the smooth optimized path is gained using the symmetric polynomials in polar.
  7. When you feel your fists clenching or your forearms tensing, drop your arms to your sides and shake them out for a few seconds to release the tension.
  8. One technique involves tensing and then relaxing the different muscles in your body one at a time.
  9. People with myotonic dystrophy have prolonged muscle tensing ( myotonia) and are not able to relax certain muscles after use.
  10. The characteristic of tied-arch bridge is a no-thrust arch structure by tensing the tied bar formin.
  11. The Moon returns to your sign on Monday, for the first time since the North Node left your relationship sector and you're likely to find that subconsciously you're tensing.
  12. 'who are you?'i asked, the skin of my cheek-bones tensing up.
  13. A runner exercises before a race to prevent his muscles from tensing up.
  14. Tensing your muscles is brilliant.
  15. It holds itself up through the same kind of muscular tensing that is required to lift a large, cumbersome object.
  16. Concentrate on holding the weight tensing the muscle as hard as you can.
  17. Tensing your body to stave off nervous reactions is not a good idea, even if it tricks you into feeling stronger.
  18. He does not seem to enjoy his visits to testify in Congress, often tensing visibly in the face of hostile questions.
  19. While no longer tensing any muscles, allow your attention to drift back up through the legs, through the abdomen and chest, through the arms, and back to the face.
  20. When you have a very tense muscle, you can practice tensing and relaxing that muscle area without going through the whole routine.
  21. ( physiology) a shortening or tensing of a part or organ ( especially of a muscle or muscle fiber).
  22. Lengthening and broadening them does not mean tensing them.
  23. Mechanical properties of a wire rope vibration isolator as protective component are studied by this measurement method. The non-symmetry characteristics of energy-dissipating about compressing and tensing are obtained, and the features of parameter variation are analyzed.
  24. It is a problem to assuring the safety of the end crossbeam in the arc with flexible tied bar, because it is difficult to prestress the end crossbeam after tensing the tied bar.