
英 [trænzˈmjuːtɪd] 美 [trænzˈmjuːtɪd]

v.  (使)变化,变质,变形



  1. V-ERG (使)变形;(使)变化
    If something transmutes or is transmuted into a different form, it is changed into that form.
    1. She ceased to think, as anger transmuted into passion...
    2. Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.


  1. She ceased to think, as anger transmuted into passion
  2. Scientists transmuted matter into pure energy and exploded the first atomic bomb.
  3. There is an alchemy in sorrow. It can be transmuted into wisdom, which, if it does not bring joy, can yet bring happiness.
  4. Now the original cause has come to be understood, which lies with the dolphin and whale species, such thought-form can be transmuted in full.
  5. The ashes of its funeral pyre shall be transmuted into swans, which will swim away upon dry land as though in water.
  6. For transmuted diseases [ such as diabetes], the sequela of treatment start to become as problematic as the underlying disease.
  7. I still can't believe that the obnoxious youth that I knew actually transmuted into a nice man.
  8. These energies are slowly being transmuted, and eventually will have been completely removed.
  9. Copper and other base metals have also been transmuted: copper and gold have performed almost exactly alike.
  10. Legitimate transcendence requires that light and dark patterns and thought-form within be transmuted into the middle path of the Language of Light or Language of ONE.
  11. Sometimes the toxins then cause the body to die as they are not thoroughly transmuted in the choice to ascend.
  12. Now almost certainly the most popular and frequently performed of all operas, Carmen has transmuted into dance drama, American musical& the hugely successful Oscar Hammerstein adaptation, Carmen jones-and reached huge audiences through film and television.
  13. These are also the holographic natures that begin to be transmuted to the new astrology for ascension through the integration of the crystalline genetic materials.
  14. A shaft of sunlight had suddenly transmuted the room into a bright and welcoming place.
  15. Through the instructions described in the chapter on auto-suggestion, you were definitely informed of the method by which DESIRE may be transmuted into its monetary equivalent.
  16. The original cause of any thought-form upon earth must be uncovered in order for such a thought-form to be transmuted and transcended.
  17. Sometimes pain is feared and once one understands that all pain can be transmuted, then pain need not be feared.
  18. In the alchemy of his brain, trigonometry and mathematics and the whole field of knowledge which they betokened were transmuted into so much landscape.
  19. During Qianlong Period, the common practice and general mood of Qing scholars have greatly transmuted.
  20. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.
  21. In recent years it has been discussed more and more often that it is neural stem cells in the brain that are transmuted into cancer cells and can then develop into glioma.
  22. One day, as she inspected this drawer, I observed that the playthings, and trinkets which recently formed its contents, were transmuted into bits of folded paper.
  23. The Red Army is like a furnace in which all captured soldiers are transmuted the moment they come over.
  24. Furthermore, the very language that is electrical must be transcended and transmuted in full by6000 strands in order to master Bodhisattva level of evolution.
  25. We are just trying to maintain, in a transmuted form, part of what was good of the previous generation.
  26. What started as a practical calculation was in time transmuted by Brand's emotional nature into a psychological necessity. Multimedia courseware as easy modification, great capacity of information, outstanding manifestation together with well reciprocity is changing the traditional chemical education.
  27. See that in all those you meet, see the perfection that is there and not the outer skin of duality that will soon be transmuted.
  28. Pale violet on the other hand is a form of erasure that allows pain, programming and machinery to be transmuted.
  29. Ownership is a form of attachment that begins to be transmuted by the new rotational energy flow as this tone is mastered in one's ascent.
  30. The antimatter is left behind rather than transmuted by light due to a lack of whole and complete light wave synergy to accomplish the task.