They were tied to prevent their flying away, doubled up with their knees close to their ears; and for the trussing of them the black pirate had cut a rope into nine equal pieces. 为了防止孩子们逃跑,海盗们把他们捆了起来,膝盖贴近耳朵捆成一团;为了捆绑他们,黑海盗把一根绳子割成相等的九段。
Establishing the scientific funds organization of the folk, trussing the horizontal plank of the funds network; 将模组与支架分离。建立民间科学基金组织,构架基金网络横向支架;
He was experienced in his hay trussing, but lacked the modern scientific knowledge and administrative ability. 他对捆干草富含经验,但是缺少现代科学知识和决策能力。
Construction quality of structural engineering must be controlled by using quality management method in the course of the construction such as trussing up reinforcing bar, erecting templates, pour concrete. 高层建筑结构工程的施工质量必须在钢筋制绑、模板支设、砼浇筑的施工过程中用质量管理的方法进行控制。
The system has realized the unified function of the system of integrated service, finish the synthesis on the structure of communication service, Support the service of trussing up of the business more. 系统实现了综合业务系统的统一功能,完成通信业务在结构上的综合,支持多业务的捆绑服务。