It is not an unsympathetic biography, but Sir Edward has taken against it. 这本传记并不惹人厌,可爱德华爵士不喜欢它。
Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to. 她丈夫并不懂得体恤人,她觉得无人可依靠。
He's unsympathetic, but charismatic and complex. 他很讨人厌,但很有感召力,令人捉摸不透。
I'm highly unsympathetic to what you are trying to achieve. 我极不赞成你试图达成的目标。
Instead, they have suffered the most appalling treatment at the hands of ruthless smugglers and unsympathetic governments. 然而,他们却遭到了残忍的走私犯和一些无情的政府最骇人听闻的对待。
Suburbanites can't vote in city elections, so Bloomberg can afford to be unsympathetic. 由于郊区人无权参加纽约市长竞选,所以布隆伯格就敢对他们不表同情了。
The non-profit sector is full of people who are ideologues, unsympathetic to financial realities. 非营利领域中净是空想家,他们对财务状况漠不关心。
Professor Hilton paused and glared at him, unsympathetic and unimaginative as one of his own test-tubes. 希尔顿老师停了停,瞪着地,缺乏同情和想像力,跟他的试管一样。
The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with the unsympathetic Genitals. 犹太人是骄傲的民族。在整个历史里,他们被冷淡的生殖器困扰。
Occupy is an unsympathetic verb. We do not admire those who occupied France. 占领是一个缺乏同情意味的动词,我们不会赞赏当年占领法国的人。
He came across as an unsympathetic figure in the news media. 在新闻媒体方面看来他好像是个冷漠无情的人。
The tone of her email was cold and unsympathetic. 她电子邮件的口气冷漠无情。
Mr Jobs emerges as a controlling and often unsympathetic character. 乔布斯以控制狂兼冷血无情的面目出现。
He was unsympathetic with many house seuers, complaining, that they were motirated by greed. 他对许多房屋销售员都不同情,抱怨他们被贪欲所驱使。
To coerce in an unsympathetic or cruel way. 胁迫以不同情或残忍的方式胁迫。
Her new boss is unsympathetic and possibly sexist and racist and seems to have it in for her. 她的新老板缺乏同情心,可能带有性别歧视和种族歧视,还总跟她过不去。
Those who do not understand this are liable to take an unsympathetic beating from US officials. 不明白这一点的人,可能受到美国官员们毫不留情的痛击。
They put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct. 他们对他的行为做出恶意的解释。
This, substantially, is the unsympathetic version which Hume gives to an argument in Locke. 这在实质上便是休谟对洛克的一个论证所作的无同情心的改写。
Found the task disagreeable and decided to abandon it; a job temperamentally unsympathetic to him. 觉得讨厌那份工作,于是就决定放弃了;一份令他反感的工作。
Posy had been utterly unsympathetic when she heard about it. 宝茜听到这件事时全然无动于衷。
At this first appearance in a starring role, he was hissed off by an unsympathetic audience. 他第一次以主角身分出现时就被没有共鸣的观众嘘下了台。
They had no qualms about killing people unsympathetic to the revolution. 对于杀死不支持革命的人,他们丝毫没有感到不安。
To make hostile, unsympathetic, or indifferent; alienate. 使疏远使怀有敌意,使不友善或使疏远;离间。
Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the mercy of an unsympathetic breeze. 然而,脱离束缚的自由使它完全处于无情微风的摆布下。
When I told him about leaving my suitcase on the train, he was unsympathetic and just siad I should have been insured. 当我告诉他我的手提箱遗留在火车上了时,他无动于衷,只是说我早该买个保险。
Save your breath! Don't even mention your illness to your unsympathetic boss. 省点力气吧!甚至别对你那位没有同情心的老板提及你生病的事。
I'm not unsympathetic to your people. 我不是说不同情你们的人民。
She may find me unsympathetic after all, and no man can remedy that. 到头来,她也可能对我有反感。这,任何男人都能拿出补救办法。
Even as unsympathetic, or have been injured in the sad cried after self-torture, self-tortured finished and the same weight as if nothing start. 就算被视为冷漠无情,也好过,被伤得痛哭伤心后又自我折磨,自我折磨完了又仿佛没事一样的重头开始。