
英 [ˈwɔːlɪŋ] 美 [ˈwɔːlɪŋ]

n.  砌墙的材料; 砌墙; 垒墙; 垒墙技术
v.  用墙把…围住




  1. 砌墙的材料
    material from which a wall is built
    1. stone walling
  2. 砌墙;垒墙;垒墙技术
    the act or skill of building a wall or walls
    1. a firm that does paving and walling


  1. N-COUNT 墙;墙壁
    A wall is one of the vertical sides of a building or room.
    1. Kathryn leaned against the wall of the church...
    2. The bedroom walls would be painted light blue...
    3. She checked the wall clock.
  2. N-COUNT (石或砖砌成的)围墙,隔墙
    A wall is a long narrow vertical structure made of stone or brick that surrounds or divides an area of land.
    1. He sat on the wall in the sun...
    2. The well is surrounded by a wall only 12 inches high.
  3. N-COUNT (中空物体的)壁,内壁
    The wall of something that is hollow is its side.
    1. He ran his fingers along the inside walls of the box.
  4. N-COUNT 屏障;堆成墙的大量物品
    A wall of something is a large amount of it forming a high vertical barrier.
    1. She gazed at the wall of books...
    2. I was just hit by a wall of water.
  5. N-COUNT 障碍;隔阂;壁垒
    You can describe something as a wall of a particular kind when it acts as a barrier and prevents people from understanding something.
    1. The police say they met the usual wall of silence...
    2. Despite its prevalence, schizophrenia has existed behind a wall of secrecy for years.
  6. See also: cavity wall dry-stone wall fly-on-the-wall hole-in-the-wall off-the-wall retaining wall sea wall stonewall wall-to-wall
  7. PHRASE 碰壁;徒劳
    If you say that you are banging your head against a wall, you are emphasizing that you are frustrated because someone is stopping you from making progress in something.
    1. I appealed for help but felt I was always banging my head against a wall...
    2. I wondered if I was banging my head against a brick wall.
  8. PHRASE 处于困境(或绝境);走投无路
    If you have your back to the wall, you are in a very difficult situation and can see no way out of it.
    1. Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.
  9. PHRASE (感到)十分沮丧(或紧张、焦虑)
    If you say that you are climbing the walls, you are emphasizing that you feel very frustrated, nervous, or anxious.
    1. Sitting at home would only have had him climbing the walls with frustration.
  10. PHRASE 把…逼得发疯;逼得…受不了
    If you say that something or someone is driving you up the wall, you are emphasizing that they annoy and irritate you.
    1. The heat is driving me up the wall...
    2. I sang in the bath and drove my parents up the wall.
  11. PHRASE 破产;(生意)失败
    If a person or company goes to the wall, they lose all their money and their business fails.
    1. Even quite big companies are going to the wall these days.
  12. fly on the wall → see: fly


  1. In particular, there seems to be a walling off of some of the sectors from foreign investors.
  2. Operators have mothballed some retail space within resorts, effectively walling off areas of empty shops as they wait for demand to pick up.
  3. The R ö DER HTS, ABS solid walling system can be used in conjunction with, or without, our integrated flooring systems making it more flexible than other systems currently available on the market.
  4. The Application about Recoverable Bolt in Short Walling Drift
  5. Fig. 1 shows a plain concrete foundation to main walling and fig. 2 a reinforced concrete foundation to an isolated pier.
  6. Points out that heat transfer theory models should be developed to further and systematically explore the application of phase change walling structure in different climate zones in China.
  7. But none of this would be as clean and bulletproof as just walling China off completely, at least at the start.
  8. Now available for Party tent structures, this new and easy to handle integrated glass or solid walling system is fast and simple to install.
  9. Research and Advice on Several Problems about Walling Energy-saving Engineering of Newly-built House
  10. The diaphragm walling is usually cast in sections not exceeding 6 meters in length.
  11. On your right is threadneedie street and walling its north side a great grey wall.
  12. Nowadays, solid walling is generally constructed of either bricks, precast concrete blocks or in-situ concrete.
  13. These may be added within any bay section as both the glass walling and ABS walling systems use the same hardware components.
  14. Available on all big tent structures, our lightweight integrated ABS solid walling system is quick and easy to install.
  15. Matching high-automatic and output robot setting system, it is applied to automatic production equipment with the new walling material of0.1-1.13 billion output for single equipment.
  16. These blocks, especially lightweight blocks, are being used in increasing numbers nowadays, partly because less skilled labour is required in building with them and partly because walling can be erected far more quickly than with bricks.
  17. In permafrost areas in the Soviet Union or Canada or Alaska, ice has been used effectively for walling and roofing.
  18. Adding ABS solid walling to your existing or new structure enhances the overall effect giving the structure the feel of a permanent building with the flexibility of being easily relocatable.
  19. This article analyze and introduce the development and current situation of the neotype walling material in Fuzhou area which was compared by testing those samples from some factories.
  20. The walling is constructed in sections, the same formwork often being used several times.
  21. The test proves the existence of walling phenomenon and that the shrinkage cavities inside billet are not oxidized to form infoldings.
  22. Walling took Pellicani to the perfect spot earlier this year for the big moment.
  23. Partitions, as they are normally called, are internal walls built of the same materials as the other types of walling previously described.
  24. He urged lawmakers to resist protectionism(" Walling off America from world trade would be a disaster for our economy");
  25. The mass of faces pressed closer, walling him in.
  26. Any heavy walling is better because the deadening of sound depends on the weight of the wall.
  27. In the Ca Mau peninsula in Southern Vietnam, a small amount of Rhizophora is used for walling and flooring.
  28. To protect your investment R ö DER HTS supplies specially designed galvanised steel transportation stillages for our glass walling and door systems.
  29. Develop New-type Straw Fiber Walling Material with Local Supplies
  30. The deficiency of traditional cement mortar is exposed when the new walling materials were used broadly.