To add to the befuddlement, the expansion of the universe now seems to be accelerating, a process with truly mind-stretching consequences. 更教人迷糊的是,现今宇宙的膨胀似乎正在加速之中,这真是让人连脑子也一起跟著膨胀。
But the Norwegian Nobel committee announcement Friday brought ample doses of befuddlement and skepticism among officials used to years of hard work to end conflict. 不过,在那些经年致力于调解冲突的官员们中间,挪威诺贝尔委员会周五的这项决定也引起了大量困惑与质疑。
Such befuddlement has been a feature of his presidency, which began in2006.Disgruntled administrators lament that "only a handful of people" ever know what is going on. 这些暧昧模糊一直是他自2006年就任总统以来的一贯作风,心生不满的官员感叹「只有五个人」知道现在倒底发生什麽。
Befuddlement and Embarrassment of Love& A Perspective on Russian Literature in 19th Century 爱的迷惘与无奈&19世纪俄罗斯文学管窥
Its main content is pure love and friendship, melancholy of youth and befuddlement of ideal, its basic feature is light sentiment. 大陆校园民谣以歌颂和怀念大学校园里纯真爱情、友情,表现青春的惆怅和理想的迷惘为主要内容,其基本风格是淡淡的感伤。