I was left with puzzlement as to the existence or non-existence of God 我对上帝存在与否还是困惑不解。
They watched for quite some time, in silence, and a sense of puzzlement. 他们默默地看了好长一段时间,百思不得其解。
He buys himself a couple of shirts and, to her enduring puzzlement, they leave without the dress. 乔布斯给自己买了两件衬衫,然后令她长期都百思不得其解的是,他们就这样离开了,没有买那条裙子。
This puzzlement had been haunting my mind for a long time and not until this summer vacation did I get its point! 这个问题一直困扰了我很久,直到这个暑假,我才恍然大悟。
Second, the basis, nature, scale, structure, mobility and efficiency for capital market to exist have constantly led to people's puzzlement and misunderstanding about the capital market. 其次,资本市场存在的依据、性质、规模、结构、流动性和效率等问题一再引起人们对资本市场的困惑和误解。
The Puzzlement and Outlet of the Political Rights Elimination in the Community Correction 社区矫正中剥夺政治权利的困惑与出路
The choleric face distorts in a look of puzzlement. 那张暴躁的脸孔蹙了起来,显得有些迷惑。
I came back down to find my classmates staring at me. I looked at all six faces in puzzlement. 我回到楼下,同学们都盯着我看,我疑惑得看着他们六个人。
After the initial puzzlement, followed for the very first time by my discovery of sun umbrellas, another thing dawned. 经历了最初的困惑后,我又发现中国人使用遮阳伞,于是就出现了另一个问题。
Now, there's a puzzlement, but I'm sure that in time it will come to me. 现在,这是个问题,但我相信在恰当的时间我会知道答案。
Puzzlement of "ask" in study& discussion of several knotty problems in "learn to ask" 学“问”的困惑&探讨“学会提问”的几个疑难问题
His habitual expression was one of mild puzzlement. 他的习惯性表情是一种适度的困惑。
He stared at the words in complete puzzlement. 他注视着那些语句,茫然不解。
From their works, we can read a young and live emotion, which abreact and disclose their puzzlement, fear, nostalgia, withdrawnness, violence, humor and strength. 从他们的作品中我们可以阅读到青涩生猛情绪,宣泄和透露着他们迷惑、惶恐、怀旧、孤僻、暴力、幽默和力量。
Alan Greenspan expressed puzzlement that shareholders and managers of banks had not controlled risk more effectively. 艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)感到非常费解,为什么银行股东和管理层没有更加有效地控制风险?
Breaking Through the Puzzlement of Life& Analysis of Successful Factors of Kang Honglei's TV Series 在人生的困境中突击&康洪雷电视剧的成功因素分析
Regulation, Puzzlement and Extrication: The Legal Road of China's ESOP 管制、困境与解脱:中国职工持股的法律之路
The contents of this bin are an endless source of puzzlement and distress to me. 对我而言,大脑中的这个“回收桶”就是我困惑与苦恼的源泉。
Puzzlement caused by the struggle between factual or legal issues reflects the difficult situation and the helplessness of judges while facing hard cases. 法官在事实和法律之中纠缠的困惑,反映出疑难案件裁判的困境和无奈。
"Three sieves? Which three sieves?" the man asked with puzzlement. “三个筛子?哪三个筛子?”那人不解的问。
Letting Police far away from Inferior Health Puzzlement On the Maintenance and Relief of Police's Health Rights and Interests 让警察远离亚健康的困扰&论警察健康权益的维护和救济
Puzzlement is another significant characteristic of behaviours in the period of youth. 青年期行为还有一个重要的特征就是充满了困惑。
It will undoubtedly cause puzzlement and consternation among those who yearn for the false certainties of an earlier era. 但毋庸置疑,这会令那些渴望延续旧日错误的人们感到困惑和惊恐。
Always say to oneself: Need time to go out of the puzzlement of this emotion slowly. 总是对自己说:需要时间才能慢慢走出这份感情的困扰。
And I think that feeling, whether justified or not lies behind the continuing puzzlement that philosophers do feel about this problem. 我认为这种感觉,合理与否的背后是持续的迷惘,哲学家对此问题也感同身受。
Thus, Marx scientifically solved the historical puzzlement about "aesthetic standard and freedom" in classical German aesthetics. 这样,马克思就科学地解决了德国古典美学所遗留下来的“审美与自由”之历史谜题。
Through the tragic, sorrowful writing style of Hesse's work, Under Wheels, we can find the loneliness, puzzlement, doubt and helplessness of the main character Hans. 透过黑塞早期作品《轮下》凄楚哀婉的笔调,我们看到了主人公汉斯在人生成长过程中的孤独、迷茫、困惑和无助,这是人生无法逾越的一个阶段。
The puzzlement and hope& the current situation and development tactics of periodical advertisement in our country 困惑与希望&我国期刊广告的现状及发展策略
The Buddha's persistent reluctance to answer any of the four question put to him regarding the fate of the Tathagata after death caused puzzlement to his interlocutor. 佛陀一直不愿意回答任何关于这四个问题,向他提出的如来死后的命运的问题,这引起参与谈话人的困惑。
He also warns people of their puzzlement in the spiritual world as well as their immoral behavior, for Las Putin's call for conscience and human nature has been his solution to Russia's way out. 小说作者对人们在精神领域中迷失方向和传统道德沦丧的行为发出了警示,对良知和人性的深情呼唤一直是拉斯普京为“俄罗斯的出路”问题所寻找出的答案。