Investors had been clamoring for the company to exit the consumer business. 投资者一直在呼吁,思科公司应该关闭消费者业务,尤其是Flip业务。
Since then, dozens of international oil companies have been clamoring to get back into Libya. 制裁结束后,许多国际石油公司都宣称要重返利比亚。
JDIC users are clamoring for this to change. JDIC用户正在呼吁修改这一点。
In the growing market of the software industry today, users are clamoring for client applications that can be run not only from a desktop environment but also from the Internet. 在现今的不断发展的软件业市场,用户强烈要求客户机应用程序不但能运行在台式机环境,还能运行在因特网。
Swing developers have been clamoring for years about support for nonrectangular windows across multiple OSes. 对跨多操作系统非矩形窗口的支持,Swing开发人员对此已经呼吁了好多年。
It would seem with the popularity of Web2.0 and a larger number of developers clamoring to use JavaScript in their blogs and community pages, we would notice a flood of new JavaScript tools. 随着Web2.0的流行以及大量开发人员都热衷于在博客和社区页面中使用JavaScript,大量新的JavaScript工具不断出现。
No wonder retailers are clamoring to get on board these tablets are the highest-tech shopping carts around. 难怪众多零售商也都吵着要加入,这样的平板电脑确实是最高科技的购物车了。
It would appear the same lottery-playing attitude has returned for the Facebook IPO, at least among frenzied individual investors clamoring to get in on the deal without regard to the price, valuation or even knowing what that means. 看来,至少对于那些坚持要参与Facebook的IPO而不顾价格、估值,甚至不知这些概念什么意思的狂热散户投资者来说,买彩票的那种劲头又出现在了这宗IPO案之中。
When everyone is clamoring for attention, you can't help but notice the quiet and the calm. 当大家吵闹喧嚷,为了引人瞩目时,你无可奈何,反而留意到安静一隅。
People were clamoring to date me. 人们抢着和我约会。
In some ways, officials are clamoring for the foreign wealthy. 在一些方面,政府正在竭尽全力地吸引外国的富人。
The potential gains of opening markets can then help mobilize interests that will counter those clamoring for barriers. 这样,开放市场所带来的潜在裨益可帮助人们实现诸多利益,以反击那些鼓吹贸易壁垒者。
But by the next morning we were clamoring for them to come back! 但是第二天一早我们又把他们请了回来。
So I was taken by surprise by the photo in the Yangtse Evening Post of crazed shoppers clamoring for bags that have a six-month waiting list in Tokyo. 因此当我看到扬子晚报刊登的照片上,疯狂的顾客哄抢各款提包,我大吃一惊,在东京,买上那样一个包要等六个月。
And we hear best when we silence the cacophony of competing voices clamoring for attention. 当我们让干扰注意力的不和谐声音沉默下来,我们就能听得更清晰。
Fang and feng-i were clamoring to buy shoes and socks. 方老先生和凤仪嚷着买鞋袜;
While not many folks are clamoring for dynamic language support in the. 在.NET社区中,并没有多少人大声要求对动态语言的支持,因此也就没有多少习惯了静态语言的人能够了解动态语言所带来的好处。
I wake up everywhere, clamoring to find my father, when the big people tell me my father was gone, I was also busy for several days of awkward. 我一醒来就到处哭着喊着要找爸爸,当大人们告诉我爸爸已经走了时,我还闹了好几天的别扭。
He expects to see his company's sales reps clamoring for the machine. 他期望看到他们公司的销售代表们对这款笔记本的欢呼。
The world will be at our doors clamoring for cotton and we can command our own price. 来自世界各地的人会堵到家门口,嚷嚷着买进棉花,而我们也可以定出自己的价钱。
He knows voters are clamoring for decisive action to stop the country's slide into economic malaise. 他知道选民要求政府采取大刀阔斧的行动挽救经济。
My daughter is4 years old, I do have a mountain village, the daughter clamoring to go, I think we have not eaten meat for more than two months. 女儿4岁时,有一次山下村民办席,女儿吵着要去,我才想起我们已有两个多月没吃过肉了。
The organic-food business was going bananas last week with distributors, store managers and shoppers clamoring for fruits and vegetables grown close to home and close to nature. 上周,有机食物生意红火。批发商,销售商和顾客争相要求本土绿色水果和蔬菜。
From the way Laker fans have been wondering about his progress and clamoring for his return, you'd think he would be as important an addition as Pau Gasol. 从湖人球迷一直关注他的伤病情况并为他的回归而欣喜不已时,你会明白阿里扎和加索尔一样,都是球队的重要补充。
His attacks have nations clamoring for the weapons that assail them. 他的攻击让各国争相竞购那些武器。
In looking to build high-quality tools, Microsoft listened to customers, each clamoring for tighter integration across the myriad of utilities, tools, servers, and platform features they required. 在打造高质量的工具的同时,微软听取客户的建议,每个客户们需要的在无数个实用程序、工具、服务和平台特性紧密集成的要求。
You had, like, six companies that were clamoring for me. 你手头曾经有六个公司吵吵着想要我。
Don't want everyone clamoring for the same perks. 我不希望所有人都来搞这套。
The troops were clamoring to go home. 军队吵嚷着要回国。
Compel someone to do something by insistent clamoring. 通过不断的要求来强迫某人去作某事。