She's a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women 她的职业是护士,现在开办了一个妇女咨询中心。
She will need medical help and counselling to overcome the tragedy 她需要借助医学治疗和心理咨询来克服惨剧带来的影响。
Health officials are proposing to expand their services by organising counselling. 卫生官员计划通过组织咨询来扩展他们的服务。
They are offered very little counselling or support. 他们没有得到多少指导或支持。
They offer a free counselling service which can offer help and advice on legal matters 他们提供免费咨询服务,给予法律问题的援助和建议。
Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling. 很多教堂提供出色的牧灵辅导。
A few schools now offer counselling sessions; all have some system of pastoral care. 一些学校现在开设咨询课;所有学校都有某种教导关怀体制。
We understand Red Cross have put up tents in that area and are offering counselling to the residents. 我们了解到,红十字会已经在该地区搭起了帐篷,为居民提供辅导。
Services of the Social and Counselling Programme 社会和咨询服务方案
The standard of care included clinical evaluation and documentation, clinical management, counselling and referral mechanisms. 护理标准包括临床评估和记录、临床管理、咨询和转诊机制。
Health education and counselling for parents are core activities of the service. 这项服务的主要工作,还包括为家长提供家庭健康知识和辅导。
To expand access and uptake of HIV testing and counselling so that people can learn their HIV status; 扩大获取和使用艾滋病毒检测和咨询,使人们能够了解自己的艾滋病毒状况;
In addition to antiretroviral treatment, people with HIV often need counselling and psychosocial support. 除了抗逆转录病毒治疗外,艾滋病毒感染者经常需要获得咨询和心理支持。
Better follow-up is required of individuals diagnosed with HIV in voluntary counselling and testing centres. 需要改进对在自愿咨询和检测中心经诊断感染艾滋病毒的个人的后续服务。
People living with HIV need comprehensive services, from testing and counselling to nutritional support. HIV感染者需要从检测和咨询到营养支持的综合服务。
Communities will decide how and when their members will be offered HIV testing and counselling. 社区将决定如何及何时向其成员提供艾滋病毒检测和咨询。
Today in Lesotho a campaign begins to offer HIV testing and counselling to all households by end2007. 今天在莱索托开始了一项运动,目标是在2007年底前向所有的家庭提供艾滋病毒检测和咨询。
This includes: curriculum design and implementation, development of materials, evaluation and counselling of students. 这包括:课程设计和实施、教材的编写,学生的评估和咨询。
Counselling and support to mothers for infant feeding. 在婴儿喂养方面向母亲提供咨询和支持。
Data on counselling and testing were collected in registers. 咨询和检测数据从登记簿收集。
All were provided with condoms and counselling on HIV/ AIDS prevention. 他们全都得到了安全套和关于艾滋病预防的咨询。
They are involving local communities in counselling and testing and provision of support services. 他们使当地社区参与到咨询和检测活动以及提供支持性服务之中。
Enjoy all-around technical support and counselling all the time. 享受我们全面的售前、售中、售后的技术支持和咨询服务。
Governments and donors encourage the integration of family planning into voluntary testing and counselling ( VCT) services. 政府和援助机构鼓励将计划生育与自愿检测和咨询(VCT)服务相结合。
Psychological counselling is all but nonexistent; insomnia, depression, dementia and suicide are all on the rise. 心理咨询几乎不存在;失眠、抑郁症、痴呆和自杀都在增多。
We provide a counselling service for the newly bereaved. 我们为新近丧失亲人的人提供咨询服务。
Many offer "employee assistance" programmes, usually in the form of confidential helplines and counselling. 很多企业提供“雇员帮助”计划,通常是以保密热线和心理辅导的形式。
AIDS outreach programs bring medical care, condoms and counselling to prostitutes on the streets. 爱滋病扩大防治计划给街上的***提供医疗护理、避孕套和咨询。
Receive education and counselling on options for care and treatement; 接受有关保健和治疗方案的教育和咨询;
The guidance also includes special considerations for HIV testing and counselling for adolescents and children. 指南也包括特别考虑青少年和儿童的艾滋病毒检测和咨询。